Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 cover artwork

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 continues Big Finish’s sojourn within the “E-Space Trilogy”. Set during Tom Baker’s final television season, two four-part stories feature companions Romana, Adric and K9. Returning to their own universe involves travelling through a CVE, a Charged Vacuum Emboitement, and the search for such a spatial anomaly is … >

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Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 returns us to Tom Baker’s final season on-screen. Set during the “E-Space trilogy”, it reunites the Doctor with Romana II, Adric and K9 for the first time on audio. Notwithstanding some interesting stories, and our favourite version of Tom’s outfit, we find this era of Doctor Who hard work. … >

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Doctor Who : The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Vol 2 review

With its links to the Hartnell era revealed in a surprisingly left-field cliffhanger, which doubtless sent many a fan scrabbling for Wikipedia or a Loose Cannon reconstruction, ‘The Syndicate Master Plan’ concludes with a second volume of stories. Avoiding substantial spoilers, while at the same time acknowledging some familiar faces appear on the box set … >

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Doctor Who – The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Vol. 1 review

After seven years’ worth of stories paired with television companions, the Fourth Doctor and K-9 have a new friend in tow: WPC Ann Kelso, played by Jane Slavin. This eighth season of audio adventures mirrors a idea from the Doctor’s onscreen adventures; just as season sixteen brought us a quest for The Key To Time, … >

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Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Adventures: Series 7 Volume 2 review

Available as either a boxset or four individual instalments, the seventh series of Fourth Doctor Adventures concludes with Volume 2, and it’s four more hugely entertaining stories for Tom Baker’s Doctor in the company of Leela (Louise Jameson). Justin Richards starts with The Shadow Of London. It’s the 1940s and London seems unusually quiet, and … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures

The Ninth Doctor and Rose reunite for a new audio drama series

Big Finish announced a series of audio adventures starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  Twenty years ago, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper reinvigorated Saturday evenings with their starring roles on Doctor Who. As the traumatised Ninth Doctor and his new companion Rose Tyler, the pair visited the end of the world, met Charles Dickens and … >

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