‘Humans’ review: Season 2 Episode 2 sees more fantastic world-building

With the Elster software spreading like a virus, Humans starts to explore the idea that acquired consciousness doesn’t automatically mean instantly acquired intelligence. For instance, my 10 month old nephew possesses a consciousness, and he keeps smushing broccoli into the carpet and repeatedly forgets that he’s scared of Mr. Pontipine’s moustache on In The Night … >

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‘Humans’ Season 2 Episode 1 review: The stakes feel higher as Channel 4 hit returns

Last year, in our review of the spectacular finale to Season 1, we promised that ‘wherever Humans Season 2 is going next, we’re eager to follow’. Well, pack a bag and grab your passport. The second season of Humans is here and it’s going global, hitting all the glamorous locations on the map. Berlin! San Francisco! Bolivia! Nottingham! … >

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‘Doctor Who’ reviews round-up: Autumn re-releases from Big Finish

This autumn has seen a few audio Doctor Who re-releases from Big Finish. First the epic 50th Anniversary series ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ in new packaging, and secondly a bunch of hard to find tales under the banner of ‘Short Trip Rarities’.   ‘Destiny of the Doctor – The Complete Adventure’ Originally appearing monthly throughout 2013, … >

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Tom Baker

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: September 2016 reviews round-up

In another busy month from the Doctor Who audio producers, the main range brought the Seventh Doctor back to face the consequences of a previous adventure, while the third ‘Early Adventures’ season kicked off with a space-faring epic for the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara. The second volume of ‘Philip Hinchcliffe Presents’ tales saw … >

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‘Fear the Walking Dead’ review: ‘Do Not Disturb’ is a piece-mover of an episode

If there’s one good aspect to Fear the Walking Dead’s perennial inconsistency, it’s that a particular low-point is usually followed up by a rebound of some kind. ‘Do Not Disturb’ isn’t a significant uptick in quality from the disappointing blandness of the risk-free storytelling of ‘Los Muertos’, but it’s packed with enough tangible promise and … >

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