Black Lightning season 2: Sofia Vassilieva cast as Looker
Sofia Vassilieva will play Looker, a vampire/superhero that fought alongside Black Lightning in a comic book team named The Outsiders, in the second season of the Black Lightning TV series.
Sofia Vassilieva will play Looker, a vampire/superhero that fought alongside Black Lightning in a comic book team named The Outsiders, in the second season of the Black Lightning TV series.
The CW has teased the return of all its superhero shows with a mega-montage of a trailer, which blends together eye-catching clips from Arrow season 7, The Flash season 5, Supergirl season 4, Legends Of Tomorrow season 4 and Black Lightning season 2.
It’s out with the old and in with the new for the next Arrow-verse crossover, as the annual event will welcome the recently announced Batwoman to the fold but leave the Legends of Tomorrow gang to their own adventures.
The CW has announced the return dates for loads of its shows, many of which are currently on their big summer breaks. This American network has become a haven for genre fans in the last few years, and it’s exciting to know when all of our favourite shows will return to their home channel. Here … >
The big end-of-2018 crossover between The CW’s DC Entertainment shows will introduce the character of Batwoman and the iconic location of Gotham City into the Arrowverse canon. The CW’s franchise-starting Green Arrow actor, Stephen Amell, broke the news at a network presentation earlier this week. “For the very first time appearing, we’ll be fighting alongside … >
We’ve been spoilt. Once upon a time the ideas of crossovers and characters switching between shows was a rarity, a treat in an otherwise static TV landscape. Sure, you had your franchises like Law & Order and its offshoots, and Angel would occasionally pop up in Sunnydale post spin-off, but it was nothing compared to … >
Next week: Black Lightning (Cress Williams) works with Anissa (Nafessa Willaims) to help find information to clear Black Lightning’s name. Jennifer (China Anne McClain) begins interning for Lynn (Christine Adams). Meanwhile, Gambi (James Remar) finds himself in a precarious situation.
Black Lightning airs on Netflix, Tuesdays. Next week: Black Lightning’s (Cress Williams) pursuit for Tobias (Marvin Jones III) continues. Anissa (Nafessa Williams) continues to find herself in the new normal.
A start of a new year might mean a renewed gym membership or career jump for some people, but for us here at Cultbox, it means lots of new telly for us to sink our teeth into.