Doctor Who The Lovecraft Invasion cover

Doctor Who: The Lovecraft Invasion audio review

The Lovecraft Invasion is destined to be known as the Big Finish Doctor Who story that had to be delayed. As far as we know this was to ensure the messaging around Lovecraft was clear. His racist views are abhorrent and (with extra lines here and there) Big Finish makes its position in this regard clear. … >

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Doctor Who Scorched Earth cover art

Scorched Earth – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 264 audio review

‘Scorched Earth’ is the latest adventure for the engaging trio of the Sixth Doctor, Flip and Constance. Set at the end of WWII, it grapples with the transition from wartime to peace and the theme of revenge. The TARDIS arrives in Lombardy, 1944, to see British troops arriving post-D-Day and hailed as liberators of France. … >

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Doctor Who: Cry of the Vultriss cover art

Cry of the Vultriss – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 263 audio review

‘Cry of the Vultriss’, the latest Doctor Who Monthly Adventure, kicks off a new Sixth Doctor trilogy. Travelling with companions Philippa ‘Flip’ Ramon (née Jackson) and Mrs Constance Clarke, their latest journey culminates in a crash landing; the TARDIS falling foul of a rupture in the Space-Time vortex. The trio have arrived on the avian … >

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Doctor Who The Ultimate Evil cover

The Ultimate Evil – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 5.2 audio review

‘The Ultimate Evil’, originally written for Doctor Who’s Season 23, became a casualty of the show’s enforced hiatus. With the whole season replaced by ‘The Trial of a Time Lord’, the story finally came to light as a late-eighties’ Target novelisation. When Big Finish started their run of The Lost Stories, they were not able … >

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Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 254 – Emissary of the Daleks review

After creating a well-received encounter for the 1980s era Cybermen last year, writer Andrew Smith again returns to the Monthly Adventures – this time pitting the Sixth Doctor against the Daleks. Arriving on a remote planet, principally to satisfy the Doctor’s curiosity regarding such an isolated society, he and Peri find a world under occupation. … >

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Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time review

Big Finish have been creating Doctor Who audio adventures for twenty years. During that time, they have worked with multiple Doctors, most of the companions and a whole host of popular characters and villains from the television series, as well as creating a universe of their own. As is traditional, this milestone is being celebrated … >

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