Doctor Who Main Range 253: Memories Of A Tyrant review

At the heart of the latest Doctor Who monthly adventure, the first in a fresh trio of stories for the Sixth Doctor and Peri, sits an age-old conundrum: can there be a time limit on justice? Memories Of A Tyrant takes the idea further, with technology which promises to retrieve seemingly long-forgotten memories, by asking … >

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The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 2 cover art

The Lives Of Captain Jack Volume 2 review

Two years on from his first solo outing on audio, under his own name rather than as part of Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness is back for another trio of stories drawn from different points in his endless lifespan. A time-traveller, conman, hero and sometime companion of the Doctor, the vibrant former Time Agent was joined … >

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Classic Doctor Who available free on Pluto TV

Classic Doctor Who, featuring the first through the seventh Doctor, is available for streaming on Pluto TV. Pluto TV is a 100 percent free streaming service and the channel, like the rest of the channels on Pluto TV, is ad-supported. Viewers can watch classic Doctor Who featuring William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, … >

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Doctor Who Main Range 246: The Hunting Ground review

December’s double dose of Doctor Who Main Range action concluded with a chilly outing for Colin Baker, as crime novelist AK Benedict (who has also written for Torchwood) provides a solo adventure for the Sixth Doctor set in Iceland. In a story which begins with a New Year’s Eve tale of trolls, Police Inspector Yrsa … >

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The Four Doctors: Doctor Who actors to attend National Space Centre event

The National Space Centre in Leicester will host a weekend event, The Science of the Time Lords on January 26 and 27. Visitors can meet four actors who played the Doctor in Doctor Who on January 26; fifth doctor Peter Davison, sixth doctor Colin Baker, seventh doctor Sylvester McCoy and eighth doctor Paul McGann. Companion actresses Janet Fielding … >

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Jodie Whittaker

Jodie Whittaker reacts to fan comments and Colin Baker’s compliment

The only social platform Jodie Whittaker is known to use is WhatsApp Web, a secure service for communication between friends, family and colleagues. That doesn’t mean that Jodie Whittaker will never see fan’s comments about her on social media. When Jodie Whittaker stopped by the headquarters for Space TV of Canada, they showed her a … >

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Doctor Who: Hour Of The Cybermen review

In the sixth Doctor story Hour Of The Cybermen, writer Andrew Smith is almost prescient in setting this adventure in a Britain suffering under a drought, though in this case there is no accompanying hot weather, instead water is rationed, lakes are empty, and things are not as they should be when the TARDIS lands … >

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Doctor Who: Iron Bright review

In the latest Big Finish main range release, the sixth Doctor (Colin Baker) is travelling alone when he arrives in the middle of a supernatural mystery. The setting is the digging of the Thames Tunnel, London, 1828 and in Chris Chapman’s wonderful story the Doctor makes the acquaintance of Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Jam MacCallum), his … >

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