Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor, waving

Doctor Who Magazine celebrates fifty years of the Fourth Doctor

Doctor Who Magazine celebrates fifty years of the Fourth Doctor with an 84-page special edition packed with all-new features, interviews, infographics and fiction. June marks the 50th anniversary of the Fourth Doctor’s first appearance. “Tom Baker made such an extraordinary impact that, to some people, he will always be the Doctor,” says editor Marcus Hearn. … >

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Big Finish’s Dark Gallifrey audio saga begins with Morbius

Dark Gallifrey’s first trilogy focusses on the fallen Time Lord President Morbius.  The highly-anticipated Dark Gallifrey series launches today, with a four-year mission to explore evil renegades of the Doctor’s own race. The first trilogy in the saga focusses on Morbius, with the former Time Lord President and warmonger once again brought to life by … >

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Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 4 audio review

Four classic Doctors take on monstrous creations from the mind of Moffat in Classic Doctors New Monsters 4: Broken Memories.  Across their countless adventures, the Doctor often runs into foes they have met before. Classic Doctors, New Monsters gloriously exploits this fact by imperilling pre-2005 Doctors with threats from the modern series. As the range … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Storm of the Sea Devils cover art crop

The Fourth Doctor Adventures – Storm of the Sea Devils audio review

The Doctor reunites with an old friend and finds a new companion in adventures that take them from the mangrove swamps of West Bengal to an alien holiday resort. Tom Baker’s thirteenth series of Doctor Who audio adventures kicks off (another) new era. For this run, he’s joined by former companion Surgeon-Lieutenant Harry Sullivan as … >

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Doctor Who Season 15: The Collection Blu-ray range

Doctor Who – The Collection – Season 15, featuring Tom Baker’s fourth season as the Fourth Doctor is the next release to come to Blu-ray in March 2024. The announcement is accompanied by a specially-shot trailer featuring Leela vs the Time War, written by series contributor Pete McTighe (Kerblam! and Praxeus) and featuring Louise Jameson’s … >

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Doctor Who's Omega from 'The Three Doctors'

The Box of Terrors – Doctor Who audio novel review

Big Finish celebrate Doctor Who‘s 60th Anniversary with the story of an impossible meeting between Omega, two Doctors… and two versions of Sarah Jane Smith!  While audio producers Big Finish were frenetically degenerating Doctors in the monthly-released saga Once and Future, the show’s 60th Anniversary itself saw the release of a more traditional multi-Doctor tale. … >

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Doctor Who - The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Angels and Demons cover art crop

The Fourth Doctor Adventures: Angels and Demons audio review

Tom Baker concludes his twelfth series of audio adventures with a bumper boxset of four stories. Angels and Demons sees the irrepressible Fourth Doctor travelling with Leela (Louise Jameson) and Margaret Hopwood (Nerys Hughes). Angel and Demons is comprised of four stories – three two-parters and a ripping four-part encounter with the Weeping Angels. The … >

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