Latest Doctor Who image reveals John Logie Baird’s first live TV prototype

An image released by official Doctor Who media leaves no doubt that the the world’s first live working television system, demonstrated by Scottish inventor John Logie Baird, is featured in the third Doctor Who 60th anniversary special The Giggle. In his laboratory on 2 October 1925, Baird successfully transmitted the first television picture with a … >

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Doctor Who: The Star Beast

Doctor Who returns on November 25

The Star Beast, the Doctor Who 60th anniversary special where the Doctor and Donna come face to face again after many years, will air BBC One and iPlayer in the UK and Ireland on Saturday 25 November and on Disney+ outside of the UK and Ireland. The next two 60th anniversary specials Wild Blue Yonder … >

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Doctor Who Once and Future 1 - Past Lives Special Edition cover

Doctor Who – Once and Future: Past Lives audio review

Big Finish begin their audio celebration of Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary with Once and Future: Past Lives, a Tom Baker led tale that involves the Meddling Monk and modern-day UNIT. With the Doctor struck by a degeneration weapon, he’s sent spinning through a cascade of old faces before settling on his Fourth incarnation. Believing the … >

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Doctor Who Once and Future 1 - Past Lives Standard Edition cover crop

Once and Future: Doctor Who 60th Anniversary audio series begins

Once and Future: Past Lives kicks of the Big Finish Doctor Who anniversary celebrations.  Updated 03/05/23: It’s release day for Once and Future: Past Lives. Big Finish’s Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations start today with the first part of Once and Future. The multi-part, multi Doctor series releases monthly and will feature various actors who … >

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Doctor Who rumour: UNIT to feature in new spin-off series

According to Nicola Methven, TV editor of the Mirror, a new Doctor Who spin-off starring Jemma Redgrave will follow the adventures of UNIT, the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. UNIT is an international organisation, first seen in the 1968 Doctor Who episode The Invasion, to investigate and combat paranormal and extraterrestrial threats to the planet Earth Jemma … >

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Doctor Who Series 14: two new cast announcements

The BBC released a brief announcement today for two major Doctor Who Series 14 characters. Jemma Redgrave returns as UNIT Chief Scientific Officer Kate Lethbridge-Stewart. The long-running organisation tasked with defending planet Earth is back for Doctor Who Series 14. UNIT will also make an appearance in the Doctor Who 60th anniversary specials which will … >

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