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Tip Toe – new Channel 4 LGBTQ+ drama from Russell T Davies

The show promises ” … a vital story that speaks not just to the queer community but to the world today.”  Channel 4 have announced a new LGBTQ+ themed drama series from writer Russell T Davies. The broadcaster has previously been home his shows, including the groundbreaking Queer as Folk and 2021’s compelling It’s a … >

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Doctor Who 60th Specials - Yasmin Finney as Rose

Doctor Who Magazine 591 celebrates LGBTQ+ characters

In Doctor Who Magazine 591, showrunner Russell T Davies discusses the casting of Yasmin Finney as Rose in a feature called The Runaway Pride as the publication celebrates the most significant LGBTQ+ characters from the show’s history. Also in the issue, award-winning writer Jamie Mathieson looks back on his episodes: Mummy on the Orient Express, … >

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How LGBTQ representation in television is changing

Representation in television has always been a controversial topic amongst audiences and critics. Throughout our own history, television organisations have grounded healthy representation to a halt because of a lack of knowledge and apprehension towards how their audience numbers would be affected if they didn’t satisfy everyone’s expectations. In modern society, writers have gradually become … >

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