Sherlock creators teaming up for new Dracula series
Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss – creators of BBC’s Sherlock – are teaming up again to take on Bram Stoker’s classic character, Dracula.
Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss – creators of BBC’s Sherlock – are teaming up again to take on Bram Stoker’s classic character, Dracula.
The story of Sally Sparrow could have ended differently had Steven Moffat chosen an alternative ending for Blink.
One of the little details that many people noticed about the series 10 opener, ‘The Pilot’ was that it had two characters with names that hinted at a Doctor Who homage. Now Steven Moffat has cleared up why…
The man with the plans tells us what’s what in Doctor Who season 10 episode 7.
Steven Moffat explains why he’s tormenting Bill, and a new synopsis from ‘The Pyramid at the End of The World’ tells us that history repeats itself.
Steven Moffat has been giving his insight on the next Doctor Who episode, ‘The Pyramid at the End of the World’, which airs on Saturday May 27th.
So, it turns out this was nothing to do with Warren Ellis and Michelle Gomez gave a very restrained performance. One of these was more unexpected than the other. Consider your options, and then pick whichever one of these false realities most appeals to you: Press 1 if you weren’t expecting an episode based on … >
‘Extremis’, the 6th episode of Doctor Who season 10, is packed full of Steven Moffat’s trademark high-concept themes and plot twists. Oh, and it’s dark – very dark. Doctor Who has always been great at making you feel sympathy for the strangest things. Just this season, we’ve been invited to consider the perspective of alien puddles, … >
Doctor Who returns to BBC One this weekend with a new episode, ‘Extremis’, written by Steven Moffat himself. In the Haereticum – the Vatican’s secret library of blasphemy – there is an ancient book known only as The Veritas. Throughout history, anyone who has ever read it has immediately taken their own life. Now a new translation … >
Doctor Who is back! Peter Capaldi returns as the Doctor for 12 new episodes, joined in the TARDIS by Pearl Mackie as Bill and Matt Lucas as Nardole. Pre-order the new season on DVD on Amazon here. Pre-order the new season on Blu-ray on Amazon here. Episode 1: ‘The Pilot’ Saturday 15 April 2017, 7.20pm Watch a clip … >