Who are the new ‘Doctor Who’ writers that will ‘make your brain explode’?

With 2015’s Christmas special done and dusted, the rumour wheel can start turning in earnest on the next season of Doctor Who. Confirmed to be continuing in his showrunner role, Steven Moffat has been teasing Season 10’s writing line-up with a promise of excitement, revealing: “…we’ve had meetings today with two writers who’ve never written … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Christmas countdown Day 11: ‘Last Christmas’

Hands up who else fully expected that ‘Last Christmas’ was at some point going to feature a certain Wham song? Instead, the Twelfth Doctor’s first seasonal outing reunites him with Clara (in Jenna Coleman’s third consecutive appearance in a Christmas special) as the pair work to extricate themselves from dreams within dreams, and save an … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Christmas countdown Day 9: ‘The Snowmen’

Following on from the established tradition of Christmas specials featuring innocuous and pleasant winter things trying to murder the Doctor and friends, 2012’s ‘The Snowmen’ features the Eleventh Doctor in an adventure that may well have left scores of children utterly terrified of those jolly, anthropomorphic snow friends that festoon the front gardens of many … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special spoiler-free review: ‘The Husbands of River Song’

If there’s one thing sassmaster archaeologist River Song likes, it’s being married, apparently. This isn’t a spoiler, because this year’s charming Doctor Who Christmas caper is titled ‘The Husbands of River Song’. You can extrapolate from this that at least one will be present or alluded to in the episode: the Doctor is one, obviously, … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 finale review: Our thoughts on ‘Hell Bent’

We’ve now had some Time and breathing Space to re-watch (and re-re-watch) and ponder on this year’s Doctor Who finale, ‘Hell Bent’. Frankly it was needed. An immediate reaction would likely have been 50% dribbling. This review will probably only be 15-20% dribbling. Season 9’s first episode, ‘The Magician’s Apprentice’, was the stuff that fan-fiction … >

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