Torchwood: Drive

Review Torchwood: Drive

Tosh is back on a solo mission on the streets of Cardiff, trying to track down and quarantine an alien artifact that’s being used for nefarious purposes somewhere in the city. The problem is that this technology is moving around at speed, and Tosh is on foot with no chance of keeping up. Worse still, … >

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Cover of Torchwood: Coffee audio from Big Finish

Torchwood: Coffee review

What’s the difference between Torchwood and a good quality cup of fresh-brewed coffee? One is an irresistible, live-saving force that keeps the economy, society and sanity of Cardiff powering through trials and tribulations of all kinds. And the other one is Torchwood. It’s a relationship between the bean and the team explored in Coffee – … >

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Jodie Whittaker Thirteenth Doctor Revolution of the Daleks

Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks review

Revolution of the Daleks, the 2020/21 festive special Doctor Who episode allowed several story strands room to grow, and also brought some to a conclusion. Did it entertain and was it that special? Be warned — spoilers follow. Where were we? Back before 2020, we had a Dalek festive story in Resolution of the Daleks. Series 12 brought … >

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Captain Jack and the Tenth Doctor reunited

Captain Jack and the Tenth Doctor reunited on audio

John Barrowman and David Tennant are back together in May 2021! He may have just helped Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor, but (it’s timey-wimey) you can soon hear Captain Jack and the Tenth Doctor reunited on audio, thanks to Big Finish In May 2021, the Big Finish Torchwood range reaches its fiftieth episode, and what better way … >

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Torchwood: The Crown cover

Torchwood: The Crown review

There’s long been a correlation between the festive season and the telling of ghostly and unnerving tales. In a year in which it’s nigh on impossible to find much by way of “Xmas cheer”, stories that bring to the fore those unsettling and disquieting themes feel particularly apposite right now. Latest monthly Torchwood audio adventure … >

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Free Captain Jack Harness in Changes Everything

Free Captain Jack in Torchwood audio from Big Finish

John Barrowman may be back in Doctor Who on New Years Day, but today you can get Free Captain Jack thanks to Big Finish This week (commencing 14 December 2020) Big Finish is giving away a free Captain Jack Harkness audio from its Torchwood range. Since the beginning of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, Big Finish has given away more … >

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Torchwood: Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue cover art

Torchwood: Rhys and Ianto’s Excellent Barbecue review

Rhys and Ianto’s Excellent Barbecue is latest Torchwood audio drama and features another odd couple pairing. Rhys Williams and Ianto Jones had few interactions on-screen and the pair could not be further apart; the former is an earthy no-nonsense lorry driver and long-suffering husband to Gwen Cooper, the latter Torchwood’s suit-wearing coffee boy, keeper of … >

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Burn Gorman, Gareth David-Lloyd, Naoko Mori - Torchwood

Big Finish reveals 2021 plans for Torchwood including a special release

Big Finish has outlined some of the Torchwood releases planned for 2021 and this includes something special — the fiftieth release in their Torchwood audio range! Big Finish began releasing Torchwood audios in 2015, and to our ears these have been some of their most interesting releases since. May 2021 sees the release of their fiftieth title but details … >

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Cover of the October 2020 Big Finish Torchwood audio The Three Monkeys

Torchwood: The Three Monkeys review

A lonely night-time stakeout by PC Andy Davidson takes an unexpected turn when he’s joined by Torchwood operative Owen Harper, who seems to know more about the police case than he’s willing to let on. But it’s not just Owen’s reluctance to disclose that’s irritating Andy; it’s the fact that he’s been given this thankless … >

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Torchwood: Ex Machina review

Ianto Jones is the last member of the team left standing, in an eerily empty and abandoned Cardiff, in the latest monthly Torchwood audio release from Big Finish. Even more alarming than the unexplained absence of his colleagues is the arrival at his front door of Abigail, a young woman who seems to know all … >

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