Articles by:

Tony Jones

The OC

The OC — all four seasons coming to All 4

All 92 episodes of The OC are coming to All 4 in January Running for four seasons, The OC was an American teen drama that ran from August 2003 – February 2007. In Channel 4’s own words: The multiple award-winning show presents the lives of a group of friends and family whose lives have forever been changed by … >

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Big Sky

Big Sky comes to Disney+ Star in 2021

Big Sky is a new detective series for Disney+ and is part of Disney+ Star Disney+ has announced Big Sky a series already available on Hulu in the US will come to an international audience as a Star Original. What is Big Sky? Private detectives Cassie Dewell and Cody Hoyt join forces with his estranged wife … >

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Star Trek Discovery There is a Tide

There is a Tide… Star Trek: Discovery S3, Ep 12 review

There is a Tide… follows directly from the cliffhanger at the end of Su’Kal and with Jonathan Frakes’s direction gives us a very strong episode of Star Trek Discovery. Coming in via spore drive and sneaking into the Federation’s home, Emerald Chain leader Osyraa (Janet Kidder) has a plan, one that surprises Admiral Charles Vance (Oded Fehr) … >

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Jodie Whittaker Thirteenth Doctor Revolution of the Daleks

Doctor Who: Revolution of the Daleks review

Revolution of the Daleks, the 2020/21 festive special Doctor Who episode allowed several story strands room to grow, and also brought some to a conclusion. Did it entertain and was it that special? Be warned — spoilers follow. Where were we? Back before 2020, we had a Dalek festive story in Resolution of the Daleks. Series 12 brought … >

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John Bishop joins Doctor Who as Dan

John Bishop joins Doctor Who as new companion Dan

Just after Revolution of the Daleks the BBC revealed a new secret: John Bishop joins Doctor Who If you didn’t switch off after the end of tonights Doctor Who, you’ll have seen a short trailer and a big reveal: John Bishop joins Doctor Who. Bishop had this to say: “If I could tell my younger self that … >

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Captain Jack and the Tenth Doctor reunited

Captain Jack and the Tenth Doctor reunited on audio

John Barrowman and David Tennant are back together in May 2021! He may have just helped Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor, but (it’s timey-wimey) you can soon hear Captain Jack and the Tenth Doctor reunited on audio, thanks to Big Finish In May 2021, the Big Finish Torchwood range reaches its fiftieth episode, and what better way … >

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lucifer 5b teaser

Another Lucifer 5B teaser trailer dropped on New Year’s Eve

While 2020 was moving to a welcome close, Netflix dropped another Lucifer 5B teaser… The news Lucifans are all waiting for is When will season 5B be released? Until then we’ve had another teaser revealed and while it’s mostly footage we’ve already seen in season 5A, there’s a little bit more. The teaser was released on social … >

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Headspace Guide to Meditation

Headspace Guide to Meditation out today on Netflix

Netflix has released the Headspace Guide to Meditation, the first of three new series to help us improve our mental health It’s a Happy New Year from all of us at Cultbox, and a Mindful New Year from Netflix as they release the first in their new series of Headspace series. Here’s what Netflix has to … >

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