3 of the best movies set in virtual reality

Virtual reality. Just saying the words brings up tantalising and fascinating possibilities for us. The idea that we could be a different person or live another life, has occupied our minds essentially since the invention of the computer chip. Not only is the business world virtually connected with servers like this, but virtual reality headsets … >

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6 fictional schools we wish were real, from Hogwarts to Starfleet Academy

Most schoolyards are fairly generic: children using the climbing equipment, playing football, trading Pokémon cards, and even some showing off cool and colourful backpacks like this to their friends. That said, even the wildest playground isn’t likely to be anywhere near the level of craziness that goes on in some fictional schools. Here are some … >

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5 of the coolest gadgets in film and TV

Smartphones. Smartwatches. iPads. They’re all pretty cool…but a laser watch? A cloak that turns you invisible? Now that’s cool. Movies and television can sometimes spoil real life by depicting items on-screen that make us wish we had one, but until technology catches up with fantasy, we’ll just have to make do with what we have … >

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Five of the most unexpected TV-themed online slot games

Everyone loves TV. It’s the number one pastime activity in the world, maybe only second to eating. If you’re reading this site then no doubt you have a special place in your heart for this modern-day art form. Yes, don’t be scared calling it an art form; if Robbie Williams calls himself an artist, then … >

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5 of the best ‘Blake’s 7’ episodes

Pitched to the BBC in 1977 by Daleks creator Terry Nation as “the Dirty Dozen in space”, Blake’s 7 ran for four hugely successful seasons on BBC One. > Buy Blake’s 7 on DVD on Amazon. Following our recent piece on why it’s time to reboot the show, here are 5 of our all-time favourite … >

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5 of the funniest moments in ‘Merlin’

We recently took a tear-filled look at five of the most heart-breaking moments in BBC One’s Merlin and now we’re back to hopefully cheer you up with five of the fantasy drama’s funniest moments. > Buy the complete Merlin Season 1-5 boxset on Amazon. This was a considerably more difficult decision process than the first time … >

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5 Australian TV shows that have broken through to the UK

When it comes to Australian slang, of course you know that ‘barbie’ means barbecue. Just like you know that ‘stoked’ means excited. But did you know ‘arvo’ is short for afternoon, or that the Aussie slang for a poker machine is a ‘pokie’? All true, cobber. If you won on a pokie one arvo you’d … >

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10 of the most iconic moments ever on UK television

While we start to settle down for winter, with our TV guides delivered via Magazines Direct and our onesies and prepare for a cosy season of great telly, it’s a good time to reflect on some of the most iconic moments in UK TV – because there are quite a few to reminisce on! Here … >

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10 films to watch while you wait for ‘Our Girl’ to return

BBC One’s Our Girl started life as a 90-minute TV movie that struck a chord with viewers in the UK and drew in over 6 million viewers. The army drama was popular enough to ensure that a full season was commissioned, gaining new fans in the US, Canada and Australia. What was it about Molly … >

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The role of games in film and TV

Sometimes the use of games like poker and chess in television and film are not as random as you might think. Rather, the inclusion of main characters engaging in games is as important to the story as the main plotline itself. Usage of games is a clever storytelling technique to give the viewer an opportunity … >

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