Top 5 places for a beach holiday

When you’re looking for the perfect place to have a beach holiday, it can be difficult to decide where to go. There are so many places to choose from within Europe so we’ve made it easy for you by putting together a top five beach destinations list.

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Who’s who in ‘Titanic’?

Written by Downton Abbey creator Julian Fellowes, ITV1’s new Titanic drama serial begins next month, marking the hundredth anniversary of the disaster.

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Rewind: ‘Star Cops’ revisited

Created by Chris Boucher, former Blake’s 7 and Bergerac script editor, Star Cops was effectively a police procedural in space and one of the rare occasions where the BBC attempted to do some serious sci-fi; no bug-eyed monsters here, just duplicitous, criminal human beings. What was it about? Laid back Nathan Spring is a traditionalist … >

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