
If Casino Movies Could Get an Oscar Category: Memorable Gamblers On the Silver Screen

Dizzying swings and high stakes, gripping tension and smart-arse lines. Hollywood always nurtured a healthy obsession with the world of vice- particularly, gambling- and glorified the archetypal gambler. A floury of iconic characters landed a seat in legend, from the high-rollers in Casino to the sharkish thick-accented Malkovich in Rounders and the card magicians in … >

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Games do more than just entertain

Entertainment соntіnuеѕ to bе among the bаѕіс nесеѕѕіtіеѕ оf men. We trу tо entertain оurѕеlvеѕ bу means оf dіffеrеnt ways tесhnоlоgу hаѕ рrоvіdеd uѕ wіth. We uѕе a vаrіеtу of gаdgеtѕ whісh provide us wіth entertainment. Wіth advanced technology wе have been рrоvіdеd with alternatives fоr entertainment whісh were nеvеr еvеr there in the past. … >

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Medical specialties with the biggest payoffs

Medicine isn’t very different from any other profession from certain points of view, such as the fact that people are more attracted to the branches of the trade that are the most promising. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to study and learn things that hold the most promise for the future, let alone build a … >

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Retrospective On Classical Movie Masterpieces

As usual, the movie industry has continued to deliver. Just like last year, we’ve already witnessed some amazing blockbuster releases in 2017. Everything from Get Out to King Arthur. In the same manner, there are some good classical movie masterpieces we can never get tired of viewing. Though, most of them are now in the … >

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How will the next James Bond be updated for the modern world?

His name sends shivers down our spine and excitement through our veins – James Bond. Watching his epic fights and tension-building scenes are just a couple of the reasons the James Bond series is such an enthralling film franchise. With his cool demeanour and calm outlook when in crisis, James Bond is the perfect agent. … >

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Emojis Have Muscled Their Way Into The Game Show World

It seems like emojis have already worked their way into every industry out there. Surely, we’re running out of ways to incorporate emojis into our daily lives? Nope. We haven’t. 😀 😉 😭 💩 ➡️  🎲  📺  🎉 Yep, you read that right. Emojis are coming to our TV sets in a new game show called Emogenius. Hunter March, who … >

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10 interesting pieces of trivia regarding Gladiator the movie

Gladiator is one of the most epic action films of recent times, and you probably know lots of trivia surrounding the movie; things like: there were lots of arguments, walk-outs and actors “squaring-up” to each other during the shooting. You’re also probably aware that whereas Commodus and Lucilla are real characters from history, Maximus is … >

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