‘Broadchurch: The Official Novel’ book review

Across eight instalments last year, from March to May, the nation was gripped with the mystery surrounded the murder of eleven year old Danny Latimer. Delivering a slow burn and achieving rare ‘appointment TV’ status, the drama kept us guessing right up until the end when 9 million viewers tuned in for the finale. Working … >

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‘Sherlock Holmes: The Spirit Box’ book review

Holmes devotees will know that The Great Detective’s last canon adventure was ‘His Last Bow’, in which he foiled the German agent Von Bork on the eve of World War One. It ends with Holmes in an oddly reflective mood: ‘There’s an east wind coming all the same, such a wind as never blew on … >

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘Tales of Trenzalore’ book review

Doctor Who spin-off publishing often lives in the cracks, judiciously slotted in-between televised tales, but during the Eleventh Doctor’s finale ‘The Time of the Doctor’ we were offered great jumps in the narrative just begging for further adventures to be told. The ‘Tales of Trenzalore’ are exactly that, four short stories which chronicle occasions when … >

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‘Star Trek’ book: ‘The Klingon Art of War’ review

My life was sad, and distinctly lacking Honour. My Bat’leth had grown dull and rusted after many years without shedding an enemy’s blood. And I was pretty sure that the Romulans were laughing at me behind my back whenever I went to the toilet. Then I read The Klingon Art of War and now my … >

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