‘Lewis’ Season 9 Episode 3 review: ‘Magnum Opus’ (Part One)

There’s a moment about halfway through the first part of ‘Magnum Opus’, just before the second ad break in fact, where academic Wouter Eisler (played by Stephen Boxer with an extraordinary German accent) confirms that the picture found with the murder victim is an alchemical image. It represents, he explains, “Nigredo… the Blackening… the first … >

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‘River’ Episode 2 review: A beautifully raw performance from Stellan Skarsgard

The second episode of BBC One’s River, having established the main plots in last week’s debut, focuses this week on redemption and relationships, as we see John River (Stellan Skarsgard) say sorry, say goodbye and speak some necessary truths. Thor star Skarsgard continues to be brilliant as the emotionally fragile policeman, haunted by ghosts and … >

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‘Doctor Who’ spoiler-free review: ‘The Woman Who Lived’

‘The Woman Who Lived’ is an unlikely episode of Doctor Who for at least three reasons. Firstly, it is written by a woman – something which shouldn’t be an oddity, but sadly is. Secondly, in taking us to Stuart England, in 1651, it explores unusual historical territory for a series which is typically content to … >

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‘The Walking Dead’ Season 6 Episode 2 review: ‘JSS’

The Walking Dead isn’t messing around this season, following up last week’s strong, visually inventive premiere with a thoroughly violent siege thriller. ‘JSS’, unusually, began with a quiet first act that doesn’t seem to be building too much. There’s the sympathetic, if disposable prologue, which fleshes out Enid, an ancillary character at best, and a … >

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