‘The Returned’ Season 2 Episode 4 review: ‘Virgil’

Unlike in these weekly reviews, there’s not a word wasted in The Returned. Not one. No character jokes, or banters, and – because the electricity’s still off – no one discusses the football results, or wonders what’s happening in the country’s top soap opera, Plus belle la vie. They’re cut off from everything, yet no … >

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‘Unforgotten’ Episode 5 review: Who killed Jimmy Sullivan?

As viewers we know this is the fifth episode of six, and so the story cannot be wrapped up this week. DI Cassie Stuart (Nicola Walker) doesn’t have this benefit; she and DS Khan (Sanjeev Bhaskar) are tied down to police procedure and following the clues as they appear. Are they any closer to the … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Season 9 Episode 7 review: ‘The Zygon Invasion’

History proves it again and again: no matter how good things are, there’ll always be some who are unhappy. No, we’re not talking about the more vociferous Doctor Who fans! We’re talking about the Zygons. And while it’s understandable that no episode pleases everyone, ‘The Zygon Invasion’ should have everyone reaching the consensus that it’s … >

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‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ Episode 14 review: ‘Falling Skies’

Thunderbirds Are Go is back on our screens after a summer break, and whilst it’s been some time since we last saw this new incarnation of International Rescue blast off into action, the show wastes no time in getting us back into the swing of things. Penelope and Parker are aboard Brains’ latest invention, a … >

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