‘Game of Thrones’ Season 5 Episode 7 review: ‘The Gift’

In our seventh visit to Game of Thrones this year, Jon and Tormund departed to the wildlings’ camp, Brienne continued to survey Winterfell and Daario’s marriage proposal was rejected by Daenerys. Elsewhere Diana Rigg and Jonathan Pryce continued to impress as Lady Olenna and the High Sparrow sparred over Margaery and Loras’ incarceration. Unsurprisingly, ‘The … >

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‘The Interceptor’ Episode 1 review

When the BBC gets it right, it often gets it very right. You only need to look at the likes of Life on Mars, Spooks, Sherlock, Luther and more recently Happy Valley for evidence of that. Unfortunately, The Interceptor is not up there with those shows. It’s a shame, a real shame because the concept … >

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‘Home Fires’ Episode 5 review

Winter has Great Paxford in its icy grip. Steph has excelled at all of the new farming protocols and proudly signs her name to the required paperwork. Meanwhile, her devoted teacher receives the devastating news that German U-boats sunk the ship carrying her lover to America. Alison realises that Teresa’s grief is akin to what … >

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‘The Game’ finale review

If there’s one thing the finale of BBC Two’s The Game makes abundantly clear, it’s that Toby Whithouse should really write a DCI Jim Fenchurch spin-off. One where, each week, Shaun Dooley gets to be angry at a criminal such as a KGB agent or someone who nicked the money from the Post Office till. … >

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‘The Syndicate’ Season 3 Episode 1 review

Returning to BBC One for a third season is In the Club creator Kay Mellor’s wonderful comedy-drama, The Syndicate. However, where previous seasons have focused on how a collective lottery win has affected the lives of a supermarket staff and colleagues in a hospital, this time round it’s a sort of Upstairs, Downstairs setup, as … >

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‘SunTrap’ Episode 1 review: ‘Look Who’s Talking’

Every now and again, the BBC takes a gamble on a show that may prove to be just a little too Marmite for the audience. Airing in a rather telling 10.45pm Wednesday night slot in summer, SunTrap is one of those shows. Opening episode ‘Look Who’s Talking’ revolves around comical investigator Woody (Facejacker’s Kayvan Novak) … >

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‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ Episode 11 review: ‘Skyhook’

There’s no point beating around the bush here – ‘Skyhook’ is the best episode of Thunderbirds Are Go produced to date. Scripted by Marvel’s Avengers Assemble writer Paul Giacoppo, ‘Skyhook’ sees the Tracy brothers deployed to stop a high atmosphere weather station from a hurricane. Kicking off with a moment of quiet following John on … >

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