‘Tatau’ Episode 7 review

As we find ourselves crawling towards Tatau’s conclusion, it has become increasingly unsettling viewing. The thing is, I’m not completely convinced I’m unsettled for the right or intended reasons. I’m finding myself increasingly uncomfortable with the way the female characters are placed in this show. Each one’s motivations are placed squarely in relation to a … >

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‘Home Fires’ Episode 3 review

It’s now November 1939. As the conflict rages in Europe, internal turmoil brews at home. Farming is a reserved occupation, so Stanley Farrow is exempt from compulsory service. He feels it is his duty to fight and seeks counsel from Rev. Collingborne. Finding no help from the good padre, he broods about his decision. In … >

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‘The C Word’ review

Lisa Lynch caught the public’s attention several years ago when, in an effort to deal with her breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, she began a blog as an outlet to cope with her condition. That blog would later become best-selling book, The C Word, the events of which inspired this stunning feature-length BBC One drama. … >

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‘Atlantis’ Season 2 finale review: ‘The Queen Must Die’

The double-length season finale – which, due to the show’s cancellation, has become the final instalment of Atlantis – too was a lengthy affair of shifting allegiances, death and resurrection. With Jason back in command of both his senses and his hormones, he planned a raid on the city to free his pal Diocles from … >

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‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ Episode 8 review: ‘EOS’

Oh, Thunderbird 5. It’s no one’s favourite Thunderbird, let’s face it. The idea of an episode revolving around the giant satellite certainly doesn’t get the excitement pumping through our little fan-boy chests much. And yet, an episode like ‘EOS’ certainly makes a strong case for such an idea, with a huge focus on what makes … >

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‘The Game’ Episode 3 review

Watching The Game is like learning to appreciate good single malt. It’s a complex and carefully-crafted thing that you’d probably love to drink faster, but which you’re meant to just sip at, as the plot unfolds at its own pace. If you want a spy drama you can chug, The Game is not for you. … >

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‘Critical’ Episode 12 review

If we were talking about an episode of Casualty then a lot of screen time (and budget) would have gone in showing us the major accident which has caused so many injuries. That kind of big-screen action isn’t Critical’s bag – instead it happens ‘off-stage’ and our focus is on the pressure it puts on … >

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‘Safe House’ Episode 4 review

Never mind gorgeously bleak cinematography, a heavy air of suspense and some of Britain’s best acting talent filling out the cast; TV thrillers live and die on their stories – in particular, the ending. Without a plausible explanation for the mysteries built up in preceding weeks and a satisfying emotional finale, viewers are entitled to … >

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‘Tatau’ Episode 6 review

Granted, in spite of my misgivings, at six episodes in, I admittedly do want to find out exactly what all the weirdness in Tatau has been leading to. I know I’ve said it before, but there’s something that just has the wrong ring about it with a story about a white English fellow who apparently … >

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