‘Thunderbirds Are Go’ Episode 6 review: ‘Unplugged’

We were only joking when we said we were expecting an episode to prominently feature Grandma Tracy. So imagine our shock and disbelief when we read our press notes for ‘Unplugged’ and found the eccentric housekeeper atop the cast list! Will she too, like Kayo, get her own Thunderbird? Joking aside though, it’s refreshing to … >

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‘Inside No. 9’ Season 2 Episode 6 review: ‘Séance Time’

Somewhere on a dusty shelf in the dark corner of hell, stands two small jars, glowing gently with the souls of Reece Shearsmith and Steve Pemberton. It’s the most plausible explanation as to why there hasn’t been a single episode that has fallen short in this second season of Inside No 9. There is, of … >

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‘Critical’ Episode 10 review

As if to compensate for last week’s comparatively bloodless outing this week’s episode of Critical has it everywhere – spouting into the air, pooling on the floor, spraying all over the staff… Everywhere except staying inside the patient, who spends a good three quarters of an hour bleeding out – which is the sort of … >

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‘Safe House’ Episode 2 review

Following an opening episode that might best be characterised as personifying the late Alfred Wainwright, author of many guidebooks to walking in the Lake District – rambling, pedestrian – the second part of ITV’s Safe House mercifully adds some action and energy to what was previously a beautifully filmed, atmospheric but painfully slow-on-the-draw thriller. Upping … >

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‘Tatau’ Episode 3 review

I suppose that if BBC Three’s Tatau is teaching us anything, it’s that even the most picturesque of locales can hide a fierce underbelly of dodgy activity and horrible people who really ought to just be content to get to live on a magnificent beach. Is anyone on this island not involved in some kind … >

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‘Poldark’ finale review

‘Hold onto your cocoa. Sunday nights just put on a tricorn hat and got sexy.’ That was the garrulous opening line from our Episode 1 review: a sentence which was subsequently quoted by a national newspaper and paired with a forensically-chosen screengrab of swoon-magnet Aidan Turner displaying the kind of body you could set your … >

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‘Critical’ Episode 9 review

There is a slight sense of ‘same old, same old’ and ‘what else have you got?’ to this week’s episode of Sky1’s new medical drama. A non-responsive, hypothermic teenager is a serious case but it does feel like a bit of a come down after recent weeks. Or maybe I’m just becoming as hard-hearted as … >

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‘Atlantis’ Season 2 Episode 9 review: ‘The Gorgon’s Gaze’

With Ariadne languishing in prison at Pasiphae’s mercy, Jason has become a despondent fugitive hiding in the hills. Add to that a guilt-wracked Medusa, who knows she does not deserve her happiness, and things were looking grimmer than usual in Atlantis. Luckily the gods have listened, as this instalment delivered action for Pythagoras and Medea, … >

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