‘The Musketeers’ Season 3 Episode 8 review: ‘Prisoner of War’

Great news: maybe the French won’t be at war with the Spanish for much longer in the world of The Musketeers? I’ll be honest: I’m fuzzy on the historical details.  Milady’s returned to possibly do some murders for Treville, and that’s bunches more interesting to me. So after some Spanish prisoners of war are marched … >

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‘Brief Encounters’ review: Episode 3 continues to impress

In the wake of Brian’s hit and run accident, the Brief Encounters ladies’ lives are artfully woven even further together, with the women facing a lot of tough choices as a result. “I offer you a place to stay and you repay me by telling everyone my business.” With Spakes Butchers having financial troubles, Pauline is … >

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‘The Musketeers’ Season 3 Episode 7 review: ‘Fool’s Gold’

In this episode of The Musketeers, we see desperate people in desperate times doing desperate things. Ok, so that opening interrogation scene was a little mean, but he was a baddie, so I’ll let it pass.  The Musketeers are after the whereabouts of Grimaud, whom they have discovered to be a very naughty man indeed.  … >

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‘Brief Encounters’ Episode 2 review

After last week’s solid introduction, this episode takes strong but subtle steps to fortify the relationships of the women involved, focusing on building their chemistry. As a result, we are treated to some wonderful performances. “Brian, I’ve been to a pub…and I liked it.” Penelope Wilton continues to be the best thing about Brief Encounters, … >

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‘Doctor Who’ spin-off review: ‘The New Counter-Measures – Who Killed Toby Kinsella?’

July 2015, and after four popular box sets, Big Finish killed off the Counter-Measures team. The only survivor from the 1960s spin-off from Remembrance of the Daleks was Sir Toby Kinsella (Hugh Ross). Gone were Group Captain Ian ‘Chunky’ Gilmore (Simon Williams), Rachel Jensen (Pamela Salem) and Allison Williams (Karen Gledhill), and time has rolled … >

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