Star Cops: Blood Moon 1 audio review

The Star Cops are back for Blood Moon, a new monthly audio series.  The brainchild of Blake’s 7 script editor and Doctor Who scribe Chris Boucher, Star Cops, the BBC’s 1987 futuristic police procedural came and went like a summer cloud. Behind-the-scenes problems, industrial action and an unhelpful timeslot did nothing to aid the show, … >

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Doctor Who - The Quin Dilemma cover art crop

The Quin Dilemma – Doctor Who audio review

Big Finish celebrates forty years of the Sixth Doctor, surrounding him with many of his companions.  Remarkably, four decades have passed since we first met the bombastic Sixth Doctor. Initially self-righteous and quite unlikable, dressed in a technicolour nightmare, there was a plan to peel back his layers over time. Colin Baker arrived during a … >

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Doctor Who: Classic Doctors New Monsters Volume 4 audio review

Four classic Doctors take on monstrous creations from the mind of Moffat in Classic Doctors New Monsters 4: Broken Memories.  Across their countless adventures, the Doctor often runs into foes they have met before. Classic Doctors, New Monsters gloriously exploits this fact by imperilling pre-2005 Doctors with threats from the modern series. As the range … >

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Katy Manning in front of a microphone

The CultBox Podcast Roundup – March 2024

Happy Easter! Here’s our March 2024 Podcast Roundup – what we’ve been listening to in the worlds of CultBox.  In no particular order, the picks this month are… They Like to Watch: Little Wigs Abound! And Russell T Davies (DOCTOR WHO) Sara Barron and Geoff Lloyd’s television watcher’s podcast hosts Russell T Davies. There’s plenty … >

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Sontarans vs Rutans: Born to Die – Doctor Who audio review

We’ve enjoyed adventures with the Eighth and Third Doctors, now it’s the turn of the Sixth and Charley Pollard.  The third story in this mini-series which explores the endless conflict between the clone warrior Sontarans and the shape changing Rutan host takes us away from Earth. In terms of the Sixth Doctor, it takes place … >

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TARDIS memoirs book coming this summer

This summer, BBC Books will publish the first memoir from the TARDIS. Packed with stories from across time and space, and featuring exclusive photography, experience the Whoniverse through the eyes of the famous time and space machine with I, TARDIS. The Doctor has a unique bond with their TARDIS. They’ve always loved the ‘old girl’ … >

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