Liar episode one review

Spoilers for episode one of Liar lie ahead. Television writers seem to quite like writing about sexual assault. It’s an easy shortcut to drama, romantic escalation between the (almost always female) victim and their (always male) savior, and the instant vilification of the attacker. When Game of Thrones was pulled up a couple of years … >

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Torchwood: The Dying Room

Torchwood – The Dying Room review

With August seeing the launch of Torchwood: Aliens Among Us, a new series styled as the official continuation of the TV show, it would be easy to overlook ‘The Dying Room’, the 18th release in the regular monthly range. To do so however, would be to miss out on a highly enjoyable – and unusual – … >

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Torchwood Aliens Among Us 1 cover art crop

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us Part 1 audio boxset review

Big Finish Productions has picked up the Torchwood baton with the first ‘Series 5’ entry, here’s our review of Torchwood: Aliens Among Us Part 1.  With no further television adventures on the horizon, and 2011’s Miracle Day now a distant memory, Big Finish have brought us a new audio series styled as Torchwood Series 5. … >

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Doctor Who Subterranea review

After last month’s ghostly goings on at Malkin Place, the fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) and Romana (Lalla Ward) are back in space on a new planet, and in Jonathan Morris’s Subterranea, they are actually inside the planet’s crust. Packed with imagination, Jonathan Morris paints a world where the human inhabitants live inside so-called Drill-towns, desperate … >

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Strike – The Cuckoo’s Calling episode 1 review: new J K Rowling adaptation

August tends to be light on fictional telly crimes. Everyone’s planted outside in deckchairs, reading about murders through Ray-Ban filters, rather than indoors watching them. Or that’s the misconception TV schedulers plot under. It means that far the biggest misdemeanour on BBC One this month has been Jim Moir pairing orange with egg on Celebrity … >

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