In a Beauty Fashion Friends podcast posted on June 19, Mandip Gill was asked what is upcoming for her on Doctor Who.
Speaking to the host remotely from her new home in London, Gill suggested the outcome of the last Doctor Who episode she filmed is uncertain.
“It’s all very secretive. I obviously know where it’s left off but it’s so ambiguous that it could go any which way. But with everything that’s happening, I’ve put no pressure on them for an answer.”
Gill finished her latest block of Doctor Who filming in October of 2019 for a festive special called Revolution of the Daleks.
The last episode of Doctor Who to air, The Timeless Children also ended on an uncertain note with the Doctor held captive inside a prison asteroid. Revolution of the Daleks is presumed to take up where The Timeless Children left off.
Not much is known about Revolution of the Daleks beyond a few glimpses during location filming in Cardiff and Bristol. The most visible Cardiff filming occurred on October 2 and October 9. The most notable location filming occurred with Daleks on the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol on October 22.
The known guest cast for the special includes John Barrowman as Captain Jack Harkness and Gray O’Brien, who previously played Rickston Slade on the Doctor Who episode Voyage of the Damned.

So what could be so uncertain about the ending of Revolution of the Daleks? Gill gave no clues and didn’t even mention whether the return of her character, Yasmin Kahn or the return of any other characters is in question.
Written by Chris Chibnall and directed by Lee Haven Jones, Revolution of the Daleks is set to air sometime during the 2020/2021 festive season.