‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special finishes filming

Filming has now been completed on this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special. Written by Steven Moffat and directed by Douglas Mackinnon (Sherlock), the show’s eleventh Christmas episode will see Alex Kingston reprise her role as Professor River Song. Special effects supervisor Danny Hargreaves ‏tweeted yesterday: “That’s a wrap!! Xmas special and series done!!! Awesome!!!!” Kingston … >

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Alex Kingston as River Song

For and against River Song’s return to ‘Doctor Who’

Since the departure of Matt Smith in 2013, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has appeared keen to establish the stories of Peter Capaldi’s Doctor as a new era. Although the Paternoster Gang appeared in ‘Deep Breath’ and the new UNIT gang introduced in the Eleventh Doctor’s era returned in ‘Death in Heaven’, fandom seems divided … >

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River Song is back for ‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special!

The BBC has officially announced this morning that Alex Kingston is returning to Doctor Who for this year’s Christmas special. The actress will reprise her role as Professor River Song in the show’s eleventh Christmas episode, which begins filming this week. The special is written by Steven Moffat and directed by Douglas Mackinnon (Sherlock). River … >

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5 theories that say Peter Cushing’s Dr. Who is canon

The gaudy cinematic sci-fi zoetrope that is Dr. Who and the Daleks turned 50 this week which, depending on who you are, is either cause for celebration and re-watch, or outright ambivalence and a quick sneer in the comments section. However you feel about the film (love it), it’s a 50-year-old conundrum, clinging like a … >

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What are the ‘Merlin’ cast doing now?

Since Merlin cast his last spell in 2012 and walked off into history, you may have been feeling a little bereft. Atlantis tried to fill a gap but was sadly cut down before it finished telling its tale. At least we can console ourselves that many of the Camelot crew have gone on to other … >

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Why it’s time to reboot ‘Blake’s 7’

Pitched to the BBC in 1977 by Daleks creator Terry Nation as “the Dirty Dozen in space”, Blake’s 7 ran for four hugely successful seasons on BBC One. As the decades since its shocking series finale have passed, the show may be short on new admirers, but those who remember it do so fondly and … >

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21st century ‘Doctor Who’: A decade with the Doctor (Part 2)

The first part of David Scott’s article took us through my journey with Doctor Who, which started in 2005 with the show’s return to television. By the end of 2009 I had very much become a fan, and had just started discovering the classic series. Over the next five years, my interest would very much … >

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Exclusive interview with ‘Doctor Who’ star Sophie Aldred

Sophie Aldred, who played ’80s companion Ace in Doctor Who, stars alongside Carol Cleveland (Monty Python), Tom Price (Torchwood) and Chase Masterson (Star Trek: Deep Space 9) in new sci-fi comedy, The Search for Simon. Out on DVD this week, The Search for Simon follows 39 year David’s search for his younger brother Simon, who, … >

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘Monster Collection’ book reviews

Each of the Doctors each received an outing with 2013’s 50th Anniversary collection of Doctor Who reprints, so this year it is the turn of his foes. Casting the net wider than before, this collection holds examples from both the Virgin Publishing’s ‘New Adventures’ and ‘Missing Adventures’ ranges from the early 1990s, as well as … >

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