Sylvester McCoy

The Last Day – Big Finish to tell the Seventh Doctor’s final story

Sylvester McCoy’s devious Seventh Doctor is promised an epic 12-part audio adventure send off.  With classic Doctor Who‘s untimely cancellation in 1989, Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor didn’t get to go out on his own terms. Had the show returned, there were tentative plans for a regeneration at the end of the forthcoming season. Of course, … >

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Lenny Rush as Morris in Doctor Who

Lenny Rush talks Doctor Who and schooling on set

In a interview on That Gaby Roslin Podcast conducted while he was filming Doctor Who, Lenny Rush and his mother Lisa Rush spoke of the joys and the challenges of his work on the programme. At just 14 years old, Lenny Rush has already won a BAFTA, acted alongside Sharon Horgan, Michael Sheen in Best … >

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Doctor Who Once and Future 2 - The Artist at the End of Time Standard Edition revised cover crop

Doctor Who – Once and Future 2 released (updated)

Once and Future 2 – ‘The Artist at the End of Time’ promises a multi-Doctor tale with a twist. Updated 14/06/22: Once and Future: ‘The Artist at the End of Time’ lands today. To celebrate the release of the second instalment of Once and Future, the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary audio series, audio producers Big … >

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BBC Four to showcase celebrated feature-length dramas

Sir Alec Guinness, Julie Walters and Victoria Wood star in a season of feature-length dramas drawn from the BBC archive. The BBC long been making feature-length dramas for television, often with starry casts and from high-profile directors. However, once shown they often end up buried in the archive. Beginning this week, BBC Four and BBC … >

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Doctor Who Once and Future 1 - Past Lives Standard Edition cover crop

Once and Future: Doctor Who 60th Anniversary audio series begins

Once and Future: Past Lives kicks of the Big Finish Doctor Who anniversary celebrations.  Updated 03/05/23: It’s release day for Once and Future: Past Lives. Big Finish’s Doctor Who 60th anniversary celebrations start today with the first part of Once and Future. The multi-part, multi Doctor series releases monthly and will feature various actors who … >

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Doctor Who - The Eighth of March: Strange Chemistry cover art crop

Caitlin Blackwood returns as Amelia Pond for Big Finish (updated)

A teenage Amelia encounters Missy and Leela meets Marie Curie in a new audio drama boxset for International Women’s Day – The Eighth of March: Strange Chemistry.  Updated 05/03/23: Ahead of the box set’s release this week, there’s now a trailer abroad. It gives us a first chance to hear Catlin Blackwood as the teenage … >

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Doctor Who filming at Capitol Shopping Center in Cardiff

A Doctor Who film crew built a campaign headquarters set at Capitol Shopping Plaza in Cardiff, Wales on 3 January. The campaign headquarters setup included large posters and bills advertising an organization named Albion and a candidate named Roger ap Gwilliam. The slogans included “Bigger Better Bolder Britain” and “Vote for Gwilliam”. There is filming … >

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Matt Smith

Matt Smith talks House of the Dragon and leaving Doctor Who

The actor opens up about playing princes and a (Time) Lord.  While we’ve been obsessing over ‘The Power of the Doctor’ and its gallery of returning faces this weekend, House of the Dragon has just concluded its first season. As Prince Daemon, former Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith has won acclaim for a magnetic performance in … >

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