Betting Safe and Smart on Online Gambling Sites

Online gambling is gaining popularity and is becoming an addictive trend with the evolution of technology. This beats the usual norm of frequenting land casinos. However, despite their much-gained popularity, online casinos are not always 100% safe, and most casino players are wagering at risk. Whether one is an expert gambler or a beginner, your … >

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Top Five eSports Games

You might have noticed already, but eSports is becoming a big deal. While a couple of years ago it was a cult hobby that only a small percentage of people engaged in, now there are global tournaments and world-famous eSports players with legions of fans. This burgeoning industry is set to explode to a $900 … >

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Doctor Who – The Tenth Doctor Chronicles Vol 1 review

Following last year’s box set of The Ninth Doctor Chronicles from Big Finish, the partially narrated format has been used again to give stories drawn from David Tennant’s tenure. This collection offers one tale with each of his regular companions, though Donna is replaced with her mother, and one from the time of the 2009 specials, … >

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Doctor Who: Serpent in the Silver Mask review

Despite reaching its 236th release, the Big Finish Doctor Who main range is as vibrant as ever. In this latest release, David Llewellyn’s Serpent in the Silver Mask, elements of comedy are effortlessly blended with the sinister and a detective mystery, one which the fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and companions must solve, and quickly, before … >

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Revolt, and how movies defend the world from alien threats

The latest addition to the welcome collection of movies that see the citizens of Earth defend themselves from alien threat is Revolt, that arrives on DVD in the UK today. Starring Lee Pace, Jason Flemyng and Berenice Marlohe, in this case a small group of survivors are left to fight for human survival in the … >

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Doctor Who: Static review

With a chilling cold open, in which a companion calls out in desperation for the Doctor’s help, it is clear that we are in for a terrifying time as the latest Big Finish Colin Baker Doctor Who trilogy concludes. Travelling in the company of Phillipa ‘Flip’ Ramon, nee Jackson (Lisa Greenwood) and Leading Wren Mrs Constance … >

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