6 of the best Doctor-lite episodes in ‘Doctor Who’

Back in the 1960s it was not uncommon for one of Doctor Who‘s regular cast members to have a week off. With the show on for most of the year, characters were occasionally written out of an episode as part of the story. In the modern era, the hectic production schedule for Christopher Ecccleston’s season … >

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Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. seated and holding a cricket bat

‘Doctor Who’: ‘The Fifth Doctor Box Set’ audio review

Big Finish’s latest boxset release takes us back to 1982, for a reunion of Peter Davison’s original TARDIS team of Nyssa, Tegan and Adric. The participation of Matthew Waterhouse, who has stayed away from audio up until this point, allows access to an unexplored era of Doctor Who’s chronology. Comprised of two four-parters, the stories … >

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Day Of The Doctor - The War Doctor

‘Doctor Who’ 50th Anniversary Collection boxset details confirmed

Details have now been officially announced for Doctor Who‘s long-rumoured 50th Anniversary Collection. The limited edition boxset will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on Monday 8 September, with only 6,000 copies on Blu-ray and 4,000 copies on DVD being produced. > Pre-order the Blu-ray boxset. > Pre-order the DVD boxset. The boxset includes ‘The … >

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