5 game-changing moments in ‘Doctor Who’
We take a look back at some of the most pivotal moments in Doctor Who‘s long history.
We take a look back at some of the most pivotal moments in Doctor Who‘s long history.
In the vein of the early Who’s more serious historical adventures, this full-bloodied tale brings the First Doctor, with Ian, Barbara and Vicki, to a dangerous England at the turn of the 15th Century. Only months prior to their arrival, the throne was snatched by Henry Bolingbroke, now crowned Henry IV, and his predecessor Richard … >
Back in the 1960s it was not uncommon for one of Doctor Who‘s regular cast members to have a week off. With the show on for most of the year, characters were occasionally written out of an episode as part of the story. In the modern era, the hectic production schedule for Christopher Ecccleston’s season … >
Big Finish’s latest boxset release takes us back to 1982, for a reunion of Peter Davison’s original TARDIS team of Nyssa, Tegan and Adric. The participation of Matthew Waterhouse, who has stayed away from audio up until this point, allows access to an unexplored era of Doctor Who’s chronology. Comprised of two four-parters, the stories … >
Details have now been officially announced for Doctor Who‘s long-rumoured 50th Anniversary Collection. The limited edition boxset will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on Monday 8 September, with only 6,000 copies on Blu-ray and 4,000 copies on DVD being produced. > Pre-order the Blu-ray boxset. > Pre-order the DVD boxset. The boxset includes ‘The … >
For the final edition of The Companion Chronicles, the range returns to the story of Zoe long after her travels in the TARDIS. Conscious of her missing memories, courtesy of the Time Lords, she recalls only her first encounter with the Doctor and Jamie although intensive memory probing has revealed other adventures that we have … >
When John Hurt was cast as the War Doctor, a hitherto unseen incarnation who forsook his principles to take up arms against the Daleks in the Time War, it was inevitable that we would be left wanting more. While we have only ever caught snatches of that impossible conflict on screen, which might well be … >
When Paul McGann joined Big Finish in 2000, their first task was to devise him a companion. Charlotte Espleth Pollard, Charley to her friends, joined the TARDIS as a self-styled Edwardian adventuress with a joie de vivre to match the Doctor’s own. Played by India Fisher, familiar to many for her voice over work on … >
Set after Ian and Barbara have returned to Earth and given up their travels with the Doctor, ‘The Sleeping City’ finds the couple arrested by the Security services. Under suspicion as Russian spies, their captors are very keen to learn all they can about the Doctor and Vicki. Ian is initially reticent, seeking to preserve … >
Feelings still run high after Leela’s explosive actions at the conclusion of ‘The King of Sontar’, but as we return to the TARDIS we find the Doctor in a reflective mood. Wondering about the quality of his mentoring, he discovers the savage attempting to educate herself by reading. Her choice of material, a book of … >