Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. seated and holding a cricket bat

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: October 2016 reviews round-up

In another busy month from the Doctor Who audio producers, we celebrate Torchwood’s Tenth Anniversary with the special release ‘The Torchwood Archive’ and John Hurt returns in another trio of adventures for the ‘The War Doctor Volume 3: Agents of Chaos’. Also, those stalwart Victorian investigators of the infernal, Jago & Litefoot notch up their … >

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‘Doctor Who’ reviews round-up: Autumn re-releases from Big Finish

This autumn has seen a few audio Doctor Who re-releases from Big Finish. First the epic 50th Anniversary series ‘Destiny of the Doctor’ in new packaging, and secondly a bunch of hard to find tales under the banner of ‘Short Trip Rarities’.   ‘Destiny of the Doctor – The Complete Adventure’ Originally appearing monthly throughout 2013, … >

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Tom Baker

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: September 2016 reviews round-up

In another busy month from the Doctor Who audio producers, the main range brought the Seventh Doctor back to face the consequences of a previous adventure, while the third ‘Early Adventures’ season kicked off with a space-faring epic for the First Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara. The second volume of ‘Philip Hinchcliffe Presents’ tales saw … >

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8 new things every ‘Doctor Who’ fan needs this month

Each month we’re picking out the best of the latest Doctor Who products on sale! 2016 might be a quiet year for Doctor Who, with Season 10 not due to arrive on our screens until next spring, but that doesn’t mean there’s not plenty to keep fans busy. Check out August’s top goodies…   Doctor … >

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Sylvester McCoy

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: June 2016 reviews round-up

Another busy month in the worlds of Doctor Who audio sees the release of UNIT: Shutdown, the second set of adventures following Kate Stewart, Osgood and friends, saving the world without Time Lord assistance. Meanwhile, Torchwood presents an early tale, with Game of Thrones actress Indira Varma reprising her role as wayward agent Suzie Costello in ‘Moving … >

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6 of the best dads in ‘Doctor Who’

Over the years we have seen the Doctor have a few issues with mothers – usually when the mothers of his companions deliver him an almighty slap – but what about fathers? We know that the Time Lord is a grandfather himself, and have even seen him cast in a fatherly role after a surprise … >

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