Big Finish – Sherlock Holmes is a 2022 Audie Winner! (updated)

Updated 26/03/22 – Sherlock Holmes – The Seamstress of Peckham Rye wins ‘Best Audio Drama’.  The original Sherlock Holmes adventure, beat out stiff competition from Audible and the BBC to scoop the prize at the 2022 Audio Awards. To celebrate, the audio adventure is available in a flash sale; there’s 20% off the regular asking … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Old Friends – audio boxset review

Old Friends is the last in the first batch of Big Finish’s adventures for Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor.  As the cover makes clear, and indeed they concealed until release, it features a further encounter with the Cybermen. Not only that, but this incarnation of the Doctor enjoys a first encounter with his stalwart ally Brigadier … >

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Doctor Who: Peladon – audio boxset review

Peladon charts the history of one of the Doctor Who’s favourite planets through the ages.  It’s been fifty years since the Third Doctor and Jo first travelled to Peladon. A feudal Earth-like society, though mineral rich, it was on the cusp of membership to the Galactic Federation – though not all his people shared that … >

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Peladon – Big Finish celebrates 50 years with two Doctors and River

The history of the Pertwee-era Doctor Who planet will be returned to four times in a forthcoming boxset.  With 2022 just around the corner, it’s fifty years since Doctor Who first visited Peladon, arriving on the side of Mount Mageshra in the middle of a thunderstorm. In the 1970s, the feudal planet served as host … >

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The Archers 70 Years

The Archers to celebrate being 70 years old in January

One of the staples of British radio broadcasting history (along with the Shipping Forecast) long-running rural drama The Archers will be 70 years old in January The storyline of the anniversary episode itself is, as ever, a closely guarded secret, but celebratory programming on Radio 4 will include a special edition of With Great Pleasure at Christmas (25 December) … >

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The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04 audio review

Big Finish released Doctor Who: The First Doctor Adventures Volume 04 in March 2020. Like previous volumes (such as volume 03) it’s two stories over four discs, mimicking the original four short episode stories we often had in the 1960s and 1970s. This range brings us a reimagined and entirely recast TARDIS team. The Doctor and Susan … >

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