Doctor Who Short Trips 8.06 – The Siege Of Big Ben review

In the first of two Short Trips, Camille Coduri reprises her role as Rose Tyler’s inimitable mother Jackie, gloriously sharing a few secrets with us over a cheeky splosh of pinot. While this is not Camille Codhuri’s first audio outing, having starred in both the The Ninth Doctor Chronicles and The Lives Of Captain Jack, … >

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Save Me episode 1 review

On paper Save Me reads like your standard entry in the well-trod missing child genre and, if it weren’t for the excellent casting, there’s a chance it might have passed public attention by. It shouldn’t, though, because this is much more than the sum of its plot elements, and could turn into something really compelling.

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Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 2 review

One of Peaky Blinders‘ chief appeals (y’know, beyond the excellent cast, Stephen Knight’s compelling writing, and David Caffrey’s razor-in-your-cap sharp direction), is that it manages to engender the feeling of instability in the viewer. Across each series, each episode, there’s an unpredictable web of tension, and a sensation that at any moment anyone could die, … >

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