Doctor Who Short Trips: The Revisionists review

The Big Finish Doctor Who Short Trips range starts 2019 with a new producer (Alfie Shaw taking over from Ian Atkins) and brings Brigadier Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart to the fore. The Short Trips stories are short (30-40 minutes generally) tales focusing on a few characters in Doctor Who history read by an actor who played one … >

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7 Ways To Cope With Stress Through Pop Culture

Stress is among the greatest psychological triggers of physiological changes in the human body. The many leading factors of stress are similar across cultures. Some include unemployment, traumatic events and societal perspective on such things as sexual orientation. What people make out of such events differ among individuals, but they all seem to cause low … >

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Doctor Who, Resolution: director calls special a “popcorn” “blockbuster”

The director of the Doctor Who New Year’s special, Wayne Yip told Doctor Who Magazine that the the special, titled Resolution, will be a “blockbuster”. “I hope that new fans have a great time because it’s such a popcorn, blockbuster version of Doctor Who.” And, according to the magazine, “an ambitious opening sequence sets the tone … >

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Outlander series 4: trailer released

Outlander fans, get ready! Amazon Prime Video UK have released a trailer for the upcoming fourth season of the rugged drama series… As the extensive synopsis shows, there’s a lot of ground to be covered in season 4… The show’s fourth season continues the story of time-traveling 20th century doctor Claire Fraser and her 18th century Highlander … >

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Spaced​ revisited: looking back at a cult classic

It may have been released nearly two decades ago now, but Simon Pegg and Jessica Stevenson’s sitcom Spaced remains as hilarious and comforting as it ever was. The show is one of the great modern sitcoms and was the launching pad not only for Pegg, Stevenson and the rest of the cast, but also for … >

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