Doctor Who BBC Centenary Special: visual effects “spectacular”

Though principal photography on Jodie Whittaker’s final episodes as the Doctor wrapped on 13 October 2021, the Doctor Who post-production teams remain busy. It’s the Job of visual effects editor Emily Lawrence to choose and coordinate digital effects from various special effects companies and from visual effects expert Ben Pickles. “We’re in the thick of … >

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Doctor Who: Flux – everything known about the Ravagers

In an interview in Doctor Who Magazine 571, Rochenda Sandall, who plays Ravager Azure in Doctor Who: Flux, gave some insight into the Ravagers’ motivation. “I guess they want to be the next Big Bang, don’t they? They want to destroy everything and create something new. That was certainly something me and Sam [Spruell] discussed. … >

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Doctor Who centenary special: last scene filmed was regeneration

According to Chris Chibnall in his Production Notes column in Doctor Who Magazine 571, the last day of filming for Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill, 13 October, was the day Jodie Whittaker filmed her very last scene for Doctor Who ― which would be the thirteenth Doctor’s regeneration scene. “The day has been scheduled considerately … >

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Doctor Who Flux: “down-and-dirty warmonger” Sontaran design

In an exclusive interview with Doctor Who Magazine, costume and creature designer Ray Holman described the process of designing Sontarans for Doctor Who: Flux. Holman had the help of armour designer Robert Allsopp, prosthetics designer Danny Marie Elias and concept sketch artist Patrick Goddard. The Sontarans made their first on-screen appearance in the Doctor Who … >

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John Bishop speaks of his experiences filming Doctor Who

In an interview published in Doctor Who Magazine 569, John Bishop spoke to writer Emily Cook of his experiences working on the set of Doctor Who with Jodie Whittaker and Mandip Gill. Bishop was interviewed from his flat in Cardiff where he stays when filming. He was last known to be in Cardiff on 19 … >

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