Torchwood: The Five People You Kill In Middlesbrough review

Torchwood: The Five People You Kill in Middlesbrough is the latest monthly release. Fronted by the institute’s sometime head-honcho Yvonne Hartman, it gives us an insight into how she gets the job done. Yvonne, the credited writer, tells us of her struggles dealing with the aftermath of an alien spaceship crash on Middlesbrough. Handling first … >

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Torchwood: The Crown cover

Torchwood: The Crown review

There’s long been a correlation between the festive season and the telling of ghostly and unnerving tales. In a year in which it’s nigh on impossible to find much by way of “Xmas cheer”, stories that bring to the fore those unsettling and disquieting themes feel particularly apposite right now. Latest monthly Torchwood audio adventure … >

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Wicked Sisters

Doctor Who: Wicked Sisters audio drama review

Ten years ago, Big Finish had the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) engage in a second search for the Key to Time. As part of this, writer Simon Guerrier created two new companions: Amy (now renamed as Abby) played by Ciara Janson and Zara played by Laura Doddington. Created is the word; Abby and Zara were … >

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Bernice Summerfield 6 Lost in Translation

New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 6: Lost in Translation audio review

As we finished listening to The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 6: Lost in Translation, the equinox happened. Appropriately enough, there’s an autumnal feel to this latest set of adventures for Bernice Summerfield (Benny to her friends) as played by Lisa Bowerman, and the Unbound Doctor from another universe, played by David Warner. There’s death, … >

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Doctor Who: These Stolen Hours cover art

These Stolen Hours – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.8 audio review

These Stolen Hours is a Short Trip drawn from a very specific point in Charley Pollard’s travels. While she narrates from a point during her time working for the Viyrans, she recalls an adventure with Doctor. Specifically, the Sixth Doctor, with whom she journeyed for a short while. believing her Doctor, the Eighth, had died. … >

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Torchwood: Red Base

Torchwood: Red Base review

The much-loved character of Sergeant Andy Davidson takes centre stage in this latest monthly Torchwood audio release from Big Finish. Red Base is a blend of sci-fi caper and whodunnit, which sees Andy dispatched to investigate unexplained deaths on the Mars colony at Starr Base. What makes this personable Welsh copper’s task a little easier … >

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Torchwood - Save our Souls - Big Finish

Torchwood: Save Our Souls review

Queen Victoria is at her imperious best in the latest monthly Torchwood audio Save Our Souls. The story is a rip-roaring homage to Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, but naturally with an extra supernatural spin. After her recent sojourn to a sea fort in the Solent, Victoria has again set out on the … >

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Doctor Who Short Trip 10.4 Dead Woman Walking cover art

Dead Woman Walking – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.4 audio review

‘Dead Woman Walking’, April’s Short Trip, is a tale for the Seventh Doctor and Ace. Set early on in her travels, the story looks at this Doctor’s developing manipulative streak and asks us to consider how far he might go to achieve his desired ends. With Ace wounded during one of their missions, she becomes … >

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Scarifyers – Cold Call audio review

Bafflegab has treated fans of the Scarifyers series by releasing a new episode, the 11th, titled ‘Cold Call‘. Terry Molloy is back as Dunning, locked in his rooms at university, trapped until he can be rescued. His only contact with the outside world is the telephone, his only company Digby the dog and Mr Wilson (a … >

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