Torchwood - Fortitude

Torchwood: Fortitude review

Things are all sea once again in the latest monthly Torchwood audio release Fortitude. Members of the Torchwood family last took to the waves back in July’s offering Sargasso. In that Doctor Who-monster themed story, Rhys battled the Nestene Consciousness aboard a drifting container ship. In sharp contrast Fortitude shifts the timeline from the present … >

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Doctor Who - Peace in Our Time Cover art

Peace In Our Time – Doctor Who Short Trips 9.12 audio review

‘Peace in Our Time’, the latest Big Finish Short Trip, features futuristic space pilot Steven Taylor and the First Doctor. We find the pair on the trail of stolen government papers in the early twentieth century. However, events are related through the eyes of a household maid. Ruby Watkins, an astute observer, has soon noticed … >

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Audio Review: The New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield Volume 5 – Buried Memories

Recently returned from a parallel universe, the latest box set release for Bernice Summerfield (Benny to her friends) provides her with four fresh adventures. Back on her own turf, Benny now accompanies the “Unbound” Doctor, freed from his responsibilities and able to return a life of freewheeling time and space travel. Pride of the Lampian … >

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Doctor Who: The Legacy of Time review

Big Finish have been creating Doctor Who audio adventures for twenty years. During that time, they have worked with multiple Doctors, most of the companions and a whole host of popular characters and villains from the television series, as well as creating a universe of their own. As is traditional, this milestone is being celebrated … >

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Doctor Who Short Trip: The Revisionists cover art

Doctor Who Short Trips: The Revisionists review

The Big Finish Doctor Who Short Trips range starts 2019 with a new producer (Alfie Shaw taking over from Ian Atkins) and brings Brigadier Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart to the fore. The Short Trips stories are short (30-40 minutes generally) tales focusing on a few characters in Doctor Who history read by an actor who played one … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips 8.11: The Mistpuddle Murders review

The Short Trips format offers writers a chance to be as ‘out there’ as they desire, stretching Doctor Who’s ever-flexible format into almost any direction and none more so than in Simon A Forward’s latest offering, a rather unusual murder mystery tale for the Fifth Doctor, Nyssa and Tegan. Set within a curious community of anthropomorphised … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips 8.10: I Am The Master review

Thanks to his numerous appearances over the years, against various Doctors, is fair to say that Geoffrey Beevers has become the audio embodiment of that classic Time Lord villain, The Master. While he only played briefly against Tom Baker onscreen in The Keeper Of Traken, a story which reintroduced the character after some years and … >

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Doctor Who Short Trip 8.09 – A Small Semblance Of Home review

September’s Doctor Who Short Trip from Big Finish, a short story narrated by an original star of the show, brings us a character piece from the early days of the show when the Doctor had three travelling companions – a dynamic soon to be mirrored with the launch of Series 11. With Ian and Barbara … >

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Bernice Summerfield – The Story So Far Vol 2 review

As part of the continuing celebrations for her twentieth anniversary on audio, Big Finish have released two volumes of adventures drawn from the various periods of Bernice Summerfield’s life. While Volume One looked at her youth, her time on Dellah and at the Braxiatel Collection, Volume Two brings us up to date offering encounters with two … >

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Bernice Summerfield: Treasury audio review

This year, audio producers Big Finish celebrate two decades of stories starring Bernice “Benny” Summerfield, the futuristic archaeologist and sometime companion of the Doctor. As well as releasing The Story So Far, two volumes of full-cast dramas set in Benny’s various eras, Treasury draws together short stories from all over her timeline which have been … >

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