Classic Doctors New Monsters 5 Faithful Friends

Classic Doctors New Monsters 5: Faithful Friends audio review

The latest blending of Doctor Who eras brings us the Krillitaine, the Lupari and the Monks.  Big Finish’s Classic Doctors New Monsters range returns for its fifth outing, providing more occasions for earlier Doctors to encounter creatures from the post-2005 series. In Faithful Friends, the genetic ability acquiring Krillitaine of ‘School Reunion’ return in two … >

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Doctor Who costume designer on 2022 specials and the future

In an interview for the WHO Corner to Corner podcast, Doctor Who costume designer Ray Holman voiced his confidence in the quality of the two upcoming 2022 specials, Legend of the Sea Devils and the Doctor Who BBC centenary special – though his confidence is based mainly on having read the scripts and having worked … >

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Hero Collector releases new Doctor Who figurines

Hero Collector offers a first look at Doctor Who: Flux figurines plus brand new models for collectors of classic Doctor Who figurines. Karvanista, the Lupari first seen in The Halloween Apocalypse Commander Skaak, the Sontaran first seen in War of the Sontarans Movellan, first seen in Destiny of the Daleks Ninth and Tenth Doctor’s TARDIS … >

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Doctor Who: Flux – ‘Once, Upon Time’ guest cast list

A cast list was released for Once, Upon Time, the third chapter of Doctor Who: Flux. “Time is beginning to run wild”. On a planet that shouldn’t exist, in the aftermath of apocalypse, the Doctor, Dan, Yaz and Vinder face a battle to survive. In addition to the main cast, Jodie Whittaker (the Doctor), Mandip … >

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