Henry Lincoln – Doctor Who writer, film-maker & historian 1930 – 2022

With his writing partner Mervyn Haisman, Henry Lincoln introduced the Brigadier and the Yeti to Doctor Who.  Over the weekend, the sad news reached us that Henry Lincoln has died, aged 91. In the 1960s, he helped create one of Doctor Who‘s enduring allies: Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart. However, the following decade took his career in a … >

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Doctor Who Day: what treats are in store?

What treats are in store on Doctor Who Day, November 23, 2020? Let’s begin with the free release (this week only) of Big Finish’s first part of a Companion Chronicles adventure, Polly’s Story. Also announced on November 23, 2020 is the planned animation of the missing Episode 3 of the Season 5 second Doctor story The Web of … >

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