John Barrowman joins ‘The Flash’ and ‘Legends of Tomorrow’

Torchwood star John Barrowman has signed a new deal that will see his Arrow character appear in spin-offs The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. Barrowman has played bad guy Malcolm Merlyn (aka the Dark Archer) in Arrow since 2012 and became a regular cast member in Season 3. > Buy the complete Arrow Season 1-3 box set on Amazon. The Doctor Who actor’s deal … >

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‘Doctor Who’ fan has made their own vortex manipulator – watch!

Doctor Who fan Jeremy Lee has uploaded a video to YouTube in which he builds his own vortex manipulator. The miniature time machine device has been seen in many Doctor Who episodes, being used by Captain Jack Harkness, River Song and Clara Oswald. Okay, so it doesn’t actually let him travel in time, but he has made the … >

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10 ‘Torchwood’ monsters that should appear in ‘Doctor Who’

It’s now been five years since Torchwood was last seen on TV. With the team’s adventures having recently moved to the audio medium it looks like we shouldn’t expect the show to return to our screens anytime soon. But if Jack and his Woodies (Torchies? Jack-ettes?) aren’t coming back, that doesn’t mean their enemies shouldn’t. A … >

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‘Torchwood’ audio review: Suzie Costello returns in ‘Moving Target’

Big Finish’s range of brand new Torchwood stories continues this month with ‘Moving Target’. Guy Adams’ story gives us the return of bad-girl Suzie Costello (Game of Thrones actress Indira Varma) who was killed in the first ever TV episode of the show (which didn’t preclude her coming back in a later story). This means the … >

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John Barrowman just fell over and the ‘Loose Women’ lost their sh** – watch!

The hosts of Loose Women freaked out spectacularly when John Barrowman fell off his chair on live TV this morning. The Torchwood star was posing in high heels (of course) on ITV’s daytime chat show when he suddenly disappeared behind the desk. Watch a clip… We should point out that he is okay! It’s been quite the week. @Team_Barrowman — Loose … >

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John Barrowman responds to ‘Doctor Who’ return rumours: ‘Keep watching!’

John Barrowman has responded to the recent rumours that he may be returning to Doctor Who as Captain Jack Harkness. The Arrow star recently prompted speculation that he might be appearing in this year’s Christmas special with a teasing video message. Interviewing the actor on The One Show last night to promote his new novel, host Alex Jones asked: … >

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John Barrowman cosplays as himself at ‘Doctor Who Experience’

Doctor Who star John Barrowman has dressed up in his own costume at the Doctor Who Experience. The actor, who has played the character of Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood since 2005, was visiting the exhibition while recording a new Torchwood audio story with former co-star Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto) in Cardiff. Barrowman joked on Facebook: “A new … >

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5 reasons why Captain Jack needs to return to ‘Doctor Who’

Brought to life by actor, singer, presenter and sheer force of nature John Barrowman, Captain Jack Harkness redefined the role of the Doctor Who companion. Bold, heroic and refreshingly omnisexual, Jack was a very modern man from the 51st Century who grew into a hero through his association with the Doctor. Though he only starred … >

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