Articles by:

Rob Smedley

Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 3 review (spoilers)

It tends to be the way that episodes of Peaky Blinders that pay slightly more attention to Arthur are the ones that manage to hold your faces closer to the screen just that little bit longer. That’s partly because Arthur has always been more interesting than his brother – more unstable, more emotional, and just … >

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Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 2 review

One of Peaky Blinders‘ chief appeals (y’know, beyond the excellent cast, Stephen Knight’s compelling writing, and David Caffrey’s razor-in-your-cap sharp direction), is that it manages to engender the feeling of instability in the viewer. Across each series, each episode, there’s an unpredictable web of tension, and a sensation that at any moment anyone could die, … >

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Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 1 review

Christmas! Comes earlier every year, dunnit? Why it’s only mid-November and already we’re deluged with selection boxes, snowmen, and the crinkly sound of Noddy Holder slowly defrosting from his cryonic slumber at North Pole HQ. Thank goodness then that we can take refuge from it all in a new series of Peaky Blinders, where it’s … >

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Rellik episode 3 Review (spoilers)

Rellik‘s proving to be the kind of competent, grimace-to-the-drizzle, crime drama that the BBC’s been doing well for decades, but the longer it goes on the more it exposes its biggest problem: time. And I’m not talking about the scheduling – although it’s being well-beaten by its 9pm rival, Liar, over on ITV – nor … >

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Strike – The Cuckoo’s Calling episode 1 review: new J K Rowling adaptation

August tends to be light on fictional telly crimes. Everyone’s planted outside in deckchairs, reading about murders through Ray-Ban filters, rather than indoors watching them. Or that’s the misconception TV schedulers plot under. It means that far the biggest misdemeanour on BBC One this month has been Jim Moir pairing orange with egg on Celebrity … >

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