5 classic British kids’ TV shows that are overdue a revival

Inspired by the triumphant and long-overdue returns of The Clangers and Thunderbirds – and excited at the imminent comeback of the amazing, the fantastic, the greatest secret agent in the world (Danger Mouse) – we’ve put our minds to the question… Which other classic kids’ TV shows could be on the list for a 21st … >

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Why can’t modern ‘Doctor Who’ get male companions right?

When Doctor Who made its triumphant re-materialisation onto our television screens in 2005 it did so with a confident swagger, an accent on more rounded characters and a whole litany of strong female characters. While the classic series was forced to bat away regular cries of sexism, the likes of Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna … >

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5 of the best book-to-TV adaptations

You can’t beat a good book in the garden on a summer’s day (anyone remember when we used to have summers in the UK?). Nothing can compete with a really good read — a great description is involving than the best special effects Hollywood will ever produce, good dialogue sounds all the better when it’s … >

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The Doctor vs the Dinosaurs: 5 of the best dino adventures in ‘Doctor Who’

Conspicuous by their absence for the first six seasons of Doctor Who, but given their enduring popularity, it was inevitable that the Earth’s former inhabitants would menace the Doctor on screen eventually. Over the years, the prehistoric monsters have been seeing flying over London, albeit in an alternate, broken timeline in ‘The Wedding of River … >

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Molly’s 5 best moments in ‘Sherlock’

Molly Hooper has been a firm fan favourite ever since the first season of Sherlock hit our screens back in July 2010. Awkward and adorable, Molly was hopelessly in love with Sherlock when we first met her. Her various bids to impress him faced Sherlock’s indifference and disinterest, but Molly never gave up on him … >

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Cinema’s 10 most iconic motorbikes

Motorbikes have featured in some of cinema’s most memorable moments throughout the years. Metropolis Motorcycles are lucky enough to have many of these famous brands and models available so that you can ride away on your very own iconic screen motorbike. Let’s take a look at ten of the most recognisable motorbikes from the movies… … >

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Christopher Lee: 1922-2015

Christopher Lee, who has died aged 93, was so synonymous with scary movies that he was known as the Master of Horror. Yet despite seven turns as Dracula (most notably in the titular 1958 classic) and countless other chilling performances, Lee’s talents and interests extended not only beyond the genre but beyond the medium. In … >

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TV’s top 5 female spies

When thinking of the best fictional spies, your mind most probably jumps to the likes of James Bond, Jason Bourne and Jack Bauer. But what is it that those three have in common, apart from the initials JB (anyone know why that’s a rule?) – they’re all men. Though they might not always be as … >

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‘Downtown Abbey’ closes its gates, but fans will keep story going

On Christmas Day Downtown Abbey will open its ostentatious doors for a very last time. The highly popular British TV period drama will conclude after six award-winning seasons. Creator Julian Fellowes told GoldDerby.com in an interview that it was never meant to become a never-ending story: “Certainly, we didn’t want to go on and on … >

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