The Sixth Doctor Adventures - The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke cover art crop

Big Finish announce a rematch for the Sixth Doctor & Iris Wildthyme

The transtemporal adventuress returns in a new Doctor Who audio drama from her creator Paul Magrs.  The long history of Doctor Who is sprinkled with big characters, some with even bigger personalities. Two of the largest are surely Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor and Katy Manning as Iris Wildthyme. Iris Wildthyme While onscreen, Ms Manning played … >

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Planet Krynoid: Nightfall cover art crop

Doctor Who audio spin-off ‘Planet Krynoid’ to star Reece Shearsmith

The voracious plant life has its sights set on domination in Planet Krynoid: Nightfall from Big Finish Productions.  Updated 10/02/24: Cover reveal! With Planet Krynoid dropping in April 2025, the monstrous spin-off has revealed its cover artwork, The trilogy’s action happens on the planet of Sunlight and, on the cover, Governor Robert Hodan (Reece Shearsmith) … >

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Doctor Who The Tenth Planet vinyl cover art

Doctor Who adventure ‘The Tenth Planet’ to be released on vinyl

The First Doctor’s final adventure gets an exclusive audio vinyl release on Record Store Day, April 2025. The Tenth Planet, the Doctor Who story which introduced the iconic Cybermen, will be available for the first time on double vinyl from Demon Records. This narrated BBC soundtrack adventure, first broadcast in 1966, includes the show’s first … >

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The Time Tunnel

Big Finish reopen the ‘The Time Tunnel’ for brand new adventures (updated)

The 1960s Irwin Allen series is getting a modern audio continuation from February 2025. Updated 04/02/25: Trailer drop and story details. With the audio revival of The Time Tunnel due to arrive imminently, producers Big Finish have released story details for the first box set. The Nightmare Begins holds three stories: Episode 1 – The … >

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The Fugitive Doctor: Most Wanted cover art crop

Big Finish release The Fugitive Doctor: Most Wanted

Jo Martin’s mysterious Doctor returns as the star of her own audio drama series.  Updates 29/01/25: The Fugitive Doctor: Most Wanted is released. It’s been the best part of three years since it was first announced, but audio adventures of The Fugitive  Doctor are finally here. While the character appeared in the anniversary mini-series Once … >

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Doctor Who’s Jago & Litefoot return for a new Audio Novel

The fan-favourite infernal investigators star in The Lord of Misrule with the Fourth Doctor and Romana I. Professor George Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago were two unlikely characters thrown together by the events of 1977’s ‘The Talons of Weng Chiang’. On paper, the Victorian pair had little in common – Litefoot is a pathologist, while … >

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Doctor Who: The Stuff of Legend – live recording released

Paul McGann and India Fisher appeared live on stage at London’s Cadogan Hall in September 2024.  Following a flurry of Doctor Who on television this Christmas, audio producers Big Finish have been filling in the days to New Year with some festive treats. The last of these, released today, is the much-anticipated live recording of … >

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The Curse of Time – Big Finish celebrate 50 years of Tom Baker

The Doctor Who audio producers have also released the winner of 2024’s Paul Spragg Memorial Script Opportunity.  We’re still in the Christmas season but the universe of Doctor Who never rests. Onscreen, we’ve enjoyed The War Games in colour, 2024’s Doctor Who Prom and the Christmas Special ‘Joy to the World’. From the world of … >

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