‘Remember Me’ Episode 3 review

It might make it easier to sleep at night, to be less afraid of dripping taps in the kitchen or the ceaseless drumming of rain on the window, reflecting the blackness outside back in, but dammit, it’s still a shame to reach the end of Remember Me. It’s rare enough to find such an exquisitely … >

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‘Babylon’ Season 1 Episode 4 review

As predicted, this week’s episode of Babylon is all about the fallout from last week’s shock ending. And once again, the show veers more towards the dark drama side of the spectrum, with less black humour and witty putdowns than in previous weeks. However, unlike last week, this time the lack of comedy seems to … >

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‘The Fall’ Season 2 Episode 4 review

For those of us who like our televisual escapism grim and stressful, The Fall has once again provided plenty to get stuck into. It’s so refreshing, in many ways, to have a crime show where the tension and complexity of a single story arc is given so much room to breathe, and it takes full … >

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‘The Missing’ Episode 6: ‘Concrete’ review

After last week’s dark discoveries, 2006’s Tony is trying to literally and metaphorically wash the blood from his hands, Emily’s visions of Oliver are becoming more frequent and we’re starting to see the beginnings of a relationship between her and Mark Walsh. In the present day, Tony, Emily and Julien are tracking down the mysterious … >

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‘Remember Me’ Episode 2 review

Although there aren’t quite as many jump-out-of-your-seat-screaming-for-mummy moments as last week, the second part of this surprisingly creepy drama by Gwyneth Hughes maintains the incessant sense of claustrophobic dread that haunted its predecessor. While detective Rob Fairholme (Mark Addy) begins the search for Tom Parfitt (Michael Palin), the missing pensioner’s former care worker Hannah Ward (Jodie … >

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‘Atlantis’ Season 2 Episode 3 review: ‘Telemon’

With the trailer promising a fight contest, we have to admit that our hopes were not particularly high for this episode. Atlantis provided two such contests last year and Merlin was renowned for them. However, when we spotted it was coming from the pen of Richard McBrien, hopes were raised. His episodes ‘Twist of Fate’ … >

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‘Babylon’ Season 1 Episode 3 review

Say what you like about Babylon, but after tonight’s rug-pull ending, you certainly can’t say it’s predictable. The suicide of Commissioner Richard Miller certainly ups the ante for future instalments, a game-changing cliffhanger that left us both reeling and pondering what next for the remaining lead characters, all of whom will no doubt feel the … >

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‘The Fall’ Season 2 Episode 3 review

Whilst the first two episodes of this season have given us a lot of smaller elements and developed them all to some degree, this episode is structured very differently. It almost feels like two smaller episodes. One, a crime investigation drama and the other a character-led, human interest piece. The first half of the episode … >

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‘The Missing’ Episode 5 review

This week’s cold open starts on a yacht; a woman we’ve never seen before is in the middle of the Indian Ocean and she seems to be having a great time. You’re going to want to hold on to the image of a gorgeous ocean and lovely sea breezes, because it’s pretty much the nicest … >

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