‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Episode 7 review: ‘The Reaper’

For this conclusion to last week’s action-packed first part, ‘The Reaper’ reigns in the scope and focusses on the emotional – as Robert fights to save the life of his younger brother Ravi. Sadly, Spring-Heeled Jack is dispatched rather rapidly (a real shame that the character, who really fitted the world of the show, didn’t … >

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‘Cuffs’ Episode 7 review: The writing is becoming more relaxed

The penultimate instalment of BBC One’s Cuffs largely centres on Eleanor Matsuura’s Donna (who could front a series all by herself). This episode begins with her being put forward for a recommendation as a result of her quick thinking in the line of fire that potentially saves the lives of three police officers, and certainly … >

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‘Capital’ Episode 2 review: BBC drama at its absolute finest

BBC One’s Capital continues with a marvelous second episode from writer Peter Bowker. As the WE WANT WHAT YOU HAVE campaign heats up, lives on Pepys Road are irrevocably changed and tragedy strikes for one family. After Capital’s outstanding opening episode it would be reasonable to assume a slight downward spiral for this second instalment. … >

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‘The Returned’ Season 2 finale review: ‘Les Revenants’

As evidenced by the amount of question marks I’ve used over the past seven reviews (current tally: 33), you haven’t been reading reviews of The Returned each week, so much as watching me try to stretch my feeble mind around what has happened in an episode of The Returned, with phrases like ‘a strong performance … >

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‘Jekyll and Hyde’ Episode 6 review: ‘Spring Heeled Jack’

As we enter the second half of this ten-part first season, ITV’s Jekyll and Hyde feels like it is just getting into its stride. This week’s story episode finally has Richard E Grant’s Bulstrode meet Robert, at last delivering on the premise that the series promised all the way back in its opening episode – … >

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‘Tripped’ Episode 1 review: A buddy-comedy across realities

Once upon a timeline, there was a pilot for a parallel universe-hopping E4 comedy-drama called ALT. Written by Jamie Mathieson (currently one of the best writers on Doctor Who), it starred Craig Roberts (Being Human) and Gethin Anthony (Game of Thrones), with Jason Flemyng (X-Men: First Class). And in a parallel universe somewhere – perhaps … >

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‘On Stage: Live from Television Centre’ review

The BBC’s On Stage season has thrown up a few gems and the Beeb should be applauded for their efforts to expose regional theatre to a wider national audience. However, Live from Television Centre showcased four very different performances which proved to be a mixed bag of talent. My biggest bugbear of any live television … >

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