‘Banished’ Episode 5 review

After a somewhat frustrating wait, this week’s episode finally delivered some of the drama and tension that previous instalments have only hinted at, and yet three dimensional characterisation and a sense of consequence were still vexingly absent. The episode opened with Freeman contemplating his new life in the pay of the Governor. His fellow convicts … >

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‘Raised by Wolves’ Episode 3 review: ‘Mehmesis’

There’s a heatwave going on, and cousin Cathy is coming over to visit. Della doesn’t have the good china to dig out, but the guest does get to have a can of fizzy coke, a privilege not awarded to the rest of the family. Cathy is immediately funny and interesting (‘She’s had experience of life … >

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‘Ordinary Lies’ Episode 3 review: ‘Kathy’

This week’s installment of Danny Brocklehurst’s Ordinary Lies lets another former Rover’s barmaid show off her acting chops. Sally Lindsay is delicious as Kathy, the busy-body of the motoring world with a secret double life. On the surface Kathy is the dog loving, cardigan wearing, listening at the door with a glass, type of receptionist. … >

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‘Critical’ Episode 6 review

Six episodes in to Critical, and we’re getting used to the format of Sky’s new medical drama. A patient arrives, probably with breathing difficulties; there’s a period of jargon-led assessment; via a detour to the CT department we move to theatre; and ultimately the patient will be opened up, at which point cue graphic detail … >

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‘The Ark’ review

Everyone ‘know-ahs’ the story of The Ark. Or at least the poster-paint primary school play outline of it: God tells Noah to build a massive cruise ship for him and two of every animal. God sends a flood. The family Noah and their P&O cornucopia are safe on the lido deck of God’s good side. … >

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‘Ordinary Lies’ Episode 2 review: ‘Tracy’

Following the lives of the JS Motors employees, this week’s episode of  Danny Brocklehurst’s Ordinary Lies centres around young party loving receptionists Tracy and Viv. The girls jump at the chance to go on an all expenses paid fortnights holiday to the Dominican Republic – in exchange for them bringing back some drugs. Simple. Oh girls, … >

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‘Mr Selfridge’ Season 3 finale review

Kicking things into high gear for this action packed finale, the episode launches us straight into the board meeting, postponed from last week’s episode, as Harry battles wits with Loxley and the Board. It’s a brilliant sequence, tightly directed and well played by all involved as Loxley’s true motives and behaviour are exposed as he … >

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‘Poldark’ Episode 4 review

Roll those Easter Eggs under the bed, put your clocks back an hour, then drag your decorations from the attic – and oh, someone wake 18th century warble-wrangler Noddy Holder from his enchanted slumber – because it’s CHRIIIIIIISTMAAAAAS! The festive season comes to Sunday night’s most hashtaggable drama (#takethatshirtoff), and while you may be thinking … >

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‘The Musketeers’ Season 2 finale review: ‘Trial and Punishment’

At long last, all of those things I’ve been shouting at the people of The Musketeers about since this second season began are finally resolved in this final episode, and thank goodness for that. Constance is rescued at the last possible moment from execution – and after last week, I wasn’t wholly convinced she would … >

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