The First Doctor Adventures – The Outlaws audio review

Stephen Noonan makes his Big Finish debut as the First Doctor.  To begin a new era for the character, Big Finish have made the bold decision to cast a new First Doctor. Enter Stephen Noonan, character actor and former member of the RSC, to give his take on the wily, witty and wilful original occupant … >

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The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11: Solo audio review

Tom Baker goes Solo in his latest boxset of audio adventures.  Solo is the latest outing for Tom Baker’s irrepressible Fourth Doctor. Set after ‘The Deadly Assassin’, so post-Sarah Jane, pre-Leela, it sees the Time Lord traveling without a companion. However, he makes a few allies along the way, naturally. Blood of the Time Lords … >

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The CultBox Podcast Roundup – March 2022

Welcome to the CultBox Podcast Roundup for March 2022.  Our favourite podcasts this month in the worlds of film and tv have included, in no particular order… The Two Shot Podcast, S9 Ep15 – Claire Rushbrook The wonderfully down to earth Claire Rushbrook talked to Craig Parkinson on balancing life and family, and about her … >

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Doctor Who – The Eighth Of March: Protectors of Time review

For International Women’s Day 2022, Big Finish have created three more adventures led by Doctor Who‘s female heroes.  Back in 2019, Big Finish celebrated International Women’s day with a special release: The Eighth of March. It took the opportunity to bring some of the Doctor’s female allies to the fore in adventures of their own. … >

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Torchwood: Sonny audio review

Torchwood: Sonny offers another outing for the redoubtable Rhys Williams, the long-suffering husband of Gwen Cooper. Like Tom Price’s Andy Davidson, Rhys is a series everyman who has benefitted from the extra space audio provides; we have heard him paired with other characters and on his own. Here, he’s teamed with his mother Brenda (television … >

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First draft for tactile Doctor Who book delivered to visually impaired fan

Visually impaired fan Louis Moorhouse has received the first draft of the first book of Doctor Who Living Paintings for review. Blind since he was 18 months old, 20-year-old Moorhouse from Bradford, England spearheaded a fundraising campaign to help the publisher Living Paintings create Doctor Who Touch-to-See books which would help blind fans like him … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Old Friends – audio boxset review

Old Friends is the last in the first batch of Big Finish’s adventures for Christopher Eccleston’s Ninth Doctor.  As the cover makes clear, and indeed they concealed until release, it features a further encounter with the Cybermen. Not only that, but this incarnation of the Doctor enjoys a first encounter with his stalwart ally Brigadier … >

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The CultBox Podcast Roundup – February 2022

Welcome to the CultBox Podcast Roundup for February 2022.  Our favourite podcasts this month in the worlds of film and tv have included, in no particular order… The Two Shot Podcast, S9 Ep11 – Arthur Darvill Craig Parkinson speaks to Arthur Darvill (Doctor Who, Broadchurch, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow). The wide-ranging conversation takes in his … >

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