Avalon: Volume Two

Avalon: Volume Two review

The second volume of Big Finish’s latest audio adventures from the universe of Blake’s 7 focusing on the rebel leader Avalon offers a new trilogy of stories set in deep space. The first volume of Avalon stories had been Earth-bound. But this latest boxset expands that vista, opening up a wider sense of Avalon’s role … >

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Camelot and Oz featured in two new Doctor Who mash-up books

Two new Doctor Who crossover novels, Legends of Camelot and The Wonderful Doctor of Oz, will be available on 10 June. Both Puffin Classic novels are written by Jacqueline Rayner. Legends of Camelot “While investigating a strange energy in Carbury, the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble are pulled into a different dimension, smashing a giant … >

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Out of Time 2 – The Gates of Hell: Doctor Who audio review

Out of Time 2 – The Gates of Hell is the second in a series of specials which sees David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor bumping into former incarnations. While the first paired him with Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor, this time he encounters Peter Davison’s Fifth. Of course, there is an onscreen precedent for this particular pairing. … >

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Cover of Big Finish - Avalon Volume One - May 2021

Avalon: Volume One review

This first volume of new original audio adventures focusing on the character of rebel leader Avalon signals a new chapter in Big Finish’s association with the universe of Blake’s 7. The sad death of Paul Darrow (Avon), following the passing of both Gareth Thomas (Blake) and Jacqueline Pearce (Servalan), meant it was no longer credible … >

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Intergalactic - Sky One

Intergalactic review

Sky One’s new original eight-part space opera acknowledges its debts to its small screen forebears and antecedents without apology. Intergalactic stands squarely in the tradition of shows as far apart in the TV timeline as Blake’s 7 (1978-81) and Firefly (2002). It’s a big, playful, energetic exploration of high-stakes, high-concept sci-fi. And despite the occasional … >

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Doctor Who The Lone Centurion Vol 1 cover art

The Lone Centurion Volume 1 – Doctor Who audio review

The Lone Centurion Volume 1 sees Arthur Darvill return as Rory Williams – well, sort of. For those with only a distant memory of Series 5, Amy Pond’s luckless fiancé had a habit of dying. And being brought back to life. During the two-part series finale, Rory was somehow resurrected as an Auton Roman soldier. … >

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First Doctor Adventures volume 05

The First Doctor Adventures Volume 05 — Doctor Who audio drama review

With The First Doctor Adventures Volume 05, Big Finish continues to demonstrate the strengths (and weaknesses) of its recast first Doctor series The recast team of David Bradley (the Doctor), Claudia Grant (Susan), Julian Glover (Ian) and Jemma Powell (Barbara) get involved in two more two-disc adventures, doing their best to recreate the feel of the … >

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