Doctor Who: The Doomsday Contract cover art

The Doomsday Contract – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 6.2 audio review

The Doomsday Contract was a storyline originally developed during Douglas Adams tenure as Doctor Who Script Editor. Written by his friend and sometime Hitchhiker’s Guide collaborator John Lloyd, it was put aside when the writer became too busy with other work. Now, approximately forty-two years later, drawing on two original synopsis documents, adaptor Nev Fountain … >

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The Walking Dead: Diverged

The Walking Dead: Diverged review

Those viewers who’ve been with The Walking Dead from the very beginning will have experienced the heartache, horror and raw grief that has afflicted any number of the show’s characters. It’s one of the signature elements of a series premised on the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse. A world-crushing catastrophe which continues to consume those … >

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Doctor Who Stranded 2

Doctor Who: Stranded 2 audio drama review

Doctor Who: Stranded 2 continues on immediately from the previous boxset, but provides a substantial change in tone In our review of Stranded 1, we admired the bold experiment of forcing the Doctor (Paul McGann), Liv Chenka (Nicola Walker) and Helen Sinclair (Hattie Morahan) to spend time in 2020 London. We were treated to a set … >

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Torchwood: Lease of Life

Torchwood: Lease of Life review

Anyone who’s ever lived in a shared house afflicted by creeping mould and poorly-behaved housemates is likely to experience a pang of recognition with the premise of the latest monthly Torchwood audio release from Big Finish. Lease of Life focuses on the investigative talents and stoic resolve of Owen Harper. He’s been dispatched from The … >

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The Walking Dead - Splinter - Season 10, Episode 20

The Walking Dead: Splinter review

Returning to the closing cliffhanger moments of “A Certain Doom”, episode twenty of the extended season ten of The Walking Dead reconnects with the storyline of Eugene’s crew. Everyone’s favourite socially-awkward tech-nerd had been determined to track down the mysterious group he had contacted by radio. But a patrol of what appeared to be bargain-basement … >

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Return of the Cybermen cover art crop

Return of the Cybermen – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 6.1 audio review

Return of the Cybermen is the latest of Big Finish’s Doctor Who Lost Stories. While most such tales derive from commissioned storylines that went no further, or ultimately rejected scripts, this is something different. Written for Tom Baker’s first season, the production team of the day felt that the script by Gerry Davis (Cyberman co-creator … >

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The Walking Dead - One More

The Walking Dead: One More review

The smaller-scale episodes of the extended season ten endgame of The Walking Dead reach their half-way point with “One More”. The story of an exceptionally risky supply-run, it focuses on the ill-at-ease pairing of Aaron and Gabriel, as their patience with one another and with the mission begins to fray at the edges. With the … >

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Blake's 7: Lucifer Genesis

Blake’s 7, Lucifer: Genesis review

There’s intrigue, assignations and assassinations aplenty in Lucifer: Genesis, the concluding instalment in Paul Darrow’s epic exploration of the unseen history of the Blake’s 7 universe, now available for the first time as a single-voice audiobook. This third entry in the Lucifer trilogy was first published in print and electronic formats back in 2015. The … >

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The Walking Dead Find Me

The Walking Dead: Find Me review

Continuing in the vein of last week’s “Home, Sweet Home“, episode eighteen of The Walking Dead‘s tenth season “Find Me” delivers more compelling small-scale and intimate drama. Light on zombies, this is instead a completely absorbing study of the nature of human resilience and interconnectedness in an impossible world overrun by endless undead. It’s hardly … >

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