Gallifrey: Time War Volume 2 review

Having previously teetered on the brink, last year’s Gallifrey box set launched into the “Time War”, the primarily off screen temporal conflict between the Doctor’s own people and the Daleks which indelibly coloured his backstory when the show returned to television screens in 2005. While the previous volume took pieces off the board, seemingly lining … >

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The Fourth Doctor Comic Strip Adaptations Volume 1 review

Fans of Tom Baker’s fourth Doctor are enjoying a bevy of releases from Big Finish, and the latest five-disc boxset maintains the standard of quality. It’s two stories adapted from comic strips and transferring two popular stories to audio. Adapted by Alan Barnes, this is a fourth Doctor able to turn up the dial on … >

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Torchwood: Night Of The Fendahl review

A low-budget, low-rent film crew are shooting their latest schlock horror in the mocked-up catacombs of Fetch Priory. It’s a hackneyed, tawdry slasher, replete with all the overused “young woman as sacrificial victim” clichés. But this film project is not just a case of tacky production values and poor creative choices. This movie director and … >

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The Eighth of March cover art

Doctor Who: The Eighth Of March review

From humans to reptilians to Time Lords, the long history of Doctor Who has featured plenty of remarkable women; characters who have won our hearts with their bravery and heroism as they have been caught up in the Doctor’s universal exploits. Luckily, many of those former companions and friends have found an afterlife of adventure … >

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Torchwood: God Among Us Part 2 review

As the second instalment of this latest Torchwood audio trilogy opens, the team is not in the best of shapes: colleagues are scattered and distracted, mutual trust is at an all-time low, several team members compete to set the organisation’s priorities, while behind the scenes an all-seeing deity and a mysterious Committee battle for control … >

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Doctor Who : The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 8 Vol 2 review

With its links to the Hartnell era revealed in a surprisingly left-field cliffhanger, which doubtless sent many a fan scrabbling for Wikipedia or a Loose Cannon reconstruction, ‘The Syndicate Master Plan’ concludes with a second volume of stories. Avoiding substantial spoilers, while at the same time acknowledging some familiar faces appear on the box set … >

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Doctor Who: The Kamelion Empire review

A trio of fifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough and Kamelion comes to an end with the Jonathan Morris penned The Kamelion Empire. As the title makes abundantly clear, the central focus is on the shape changing android Kamelion, but not so as to minimise the role of the others. The setting is the world of the … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Astrea Conspiracy review

With the February 2019 Doctor Who Short Trips: The Astrea Conspiracy, Big Finish takes its licence into the Peter Capaldi twelfth Doctor era for the first time. There’s no Peter Capaldi, but we do have Neve McIntosh (known for playing Madame Vastra on-screen). Unusually for the Short Trips range, Neve McIntosh isn’t performing as an … >

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