Should we see River Song again in ‘Doctor Who’?

Unless you’ve really gone a bit over the top with your spoiler-avoidance, you’ll know that the most recent Doctor Who Christmas special featured the return of Professor River Song after an absence of more than two years. Now that you’ve *hopefully* seen the episode there’s undoubtedly still some questions left to answer. Such as, most … >

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‘Doctor Who’ novel reviews: ‘The Glamour Chronicles’

To accompany the current season, BBC Books have provided another trio of adventures for the Twelfth Doctor. Loosely themed ‘The Glamour Chronicles’, each of the adventures deals involves an encounter with the Glamour, a mysterious and bewitching element which can take many forms. > Buy ‘Royal Blood’ on Amazon. > Buy ‘Deep Time’ on Amazon. … >

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‘Doctor Who’ countdown: The best Mark Gatiss episodes

Mark Gatiss has notched up seven script credits on Doctor Who so far – making him, other than execs Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies, both the show’s most prolific writer and the only one to have written for all four 21st Century Doctors. Of course, Gatiss’s connection to the show goes much deeper; he … >

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Watch David Tennant and Catherine Tate discuss their ‘Doctor Who’ return

Doctor Who stars David Tennant and Catherine Tate chat about reuniting as the Tenth Doctor and companion Donna in a new video interview. The pair will appear together in three new Doctor Who audio dramas next year, Big Finish announced today. Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures will be released in May 2016. The three … >

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6 new things every ‘Doctor Who’ fan needs this month

Each month we’re picking out the best of the latest Doctor Who products on sale! Check out October’s goodies…   Doctor Who: Impossible Worlds book Published on Thursday 29 October, this book sees the Doctor Who Art Department open their doors to reveal a unique, behind-the-scenes look at one of the most loved series on … >

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What are the cast of ‘Torchwood’ doing now?

Outside the government and beyond the police, Torchwood were ready to fight the future on behalf of the human race for four seasons across 2006 to 2011 before the team was put on indefinite hiatus at the end of US/UK co-production Miracle Day. Thankfully, those good people at Big Finish have begun to reunite the … >

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Michelle Gomez as Missy

Should Missy have her own ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off series?

Doctor Who star Michelle Gomez was engaging in an entertaining Q&A on Twitter last weekend. Almost inevitably, the possibility of a spin-off series for Missy was mooted, something that Gomez sounded enthusiastic about. There have of course been several spin-off series from Doctor Who before – two of them being led by the great Elisabeth … >

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‘Doctor Who’ Christmas special finishes filming

Filming has now been completed on this year’s Doctor Who Christmas special. Written by Steven Moffat and directed by Douglas Mackinnon (Sherlock), the show’s eleventh Christmas episode will see Alex Kingston reprise her role as Professor River Song. Special effects supervisor Danny Hargreaves ‏tweeted yesterday: “That’s a wrap!! Xmas special and series done!!! Awesome!!!!” Kingston … >

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Alex Kingston as River Song

For and against River Song’s return to ‘Doctor Who’

Since the departure of Matt Smith in 2013, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat has appeared keen to establish the stories of Peter Capaldi’s Doctor as a new era. Although the Paternoster Gang appeared in ‘Deep Breath’ and the new UNIT gang introduced in the Eleventh Doctor’s era returned in ‘Death in Heaven’, fandom seems divided … >

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